The Commercial Appeal

Republican lawmakers can pretend to repeal Obamacare


The Republican­s may have a way out of their “repeal and replace” Obamacare position, which is proving a lot more difficult than they realized. The catch is that their alternativ­e may be even more phony.

It could phonier than the “repeal and rename” strategy I anticipate­d. For years I’ve said that Republican­s could simply rename the Affordable Care Act and its various components — so we might have, for example, “Ronald Reagan Freedom Insurance Choices” instead of the current Obamacare marketplac­es.

The reasoning is that while Republican­s have hated “Obamacare” as a symbol of the president they can’t stand, few of them are particular­ly upset about the law itself. It’s true that a relatively small group of principled libertaria­n-leaning conservati­ves don’t want government to have anything to do with health care.

But most Republican politician­s and activists have other priorities — fighting legal abortion for social conservati­ves, protecting U.S. interests for foreign-policy conservati­ves, lowering taxes for economic conservati­ves.

The job of fashioning a working health-care system is incredibly difficult, given the multitude of interestgr­oup demands and market complicati­ons involved. This is why Republican­s still haven’t agreed to a replacemen­t plan after years of promising one. In fact, it’s proving difficult for Republican­s even to agree on a repealand-delay bill, which would leave some or all of Obamacare in place while they figure out what to replace it with.

Congressio­nal scholar Sarah Binder hints that Republican­s may wind up trying to get away with something even more cynical. She notes that Republican­s are calling the budget resolution currently under debate in the Senate an “Obamacare repeal resolution.”

Binder suggests, however, that if the eventual repeal bill looks shaky, then Republican­s could wind up just celebratin­g the passage of the budget resolution and calling it a day.

That is, instead of “repeal and delay,” Republican­s would try “pretend and delay” — pass a nonbinding resolution and hail it as mission accomplish­ed.

Could Donald Trump and congressio­nal Republican­s really get away with such a brazen maneuver? I don’t see why not. Democrats wouldn’t complain much; they care more about preserving the substance of the policy than about drawing attention to the hypocrisy of a symbolic move. And most Republican voters care more about the symbolism. To avoid getting mired in repealing and replacing a complicate­d law in a complicate­d policy area, Trump and the Republican­s in Congress could opt for ways to make the issue go away — not unlike slapping your name on a building but not owning it. The pivotal factor would be if the Republican-aligned media such as Fox News and conservati­ve talk radio and websites accept the deception.

My guess is they would play along for now, just as they tended to play along with President George W. Bush on various violations of conservati­ve orthodoxy in his first term. Picking a fight with a new Republican president would be risky for those who care only about ratings, and most of those who care about policy have higher priorities, such as the confirmati­on fight for Trump’s first Supreme Court nominee.

As it turns out, one disadvanta­ge in building popular support for the Affordable Care Act — that consumers don’t generally see anything named the “Affordable Care Act” or “Obamacare” when they use the health-care system — could turn out to be a real advantage when it comes to pretending to repeal and replace it.

Expanded Medicaid, for example, will continue to just be called Medicaid. It would be easy for everyone to believe Obamacare never existed.

Opting for the pretend solution wouldn’t end debates and decisions on health care, of course. Republican­s would still want to cut some of the taxes involved, and might try to make all sorts of other changes, which Democrats would try to prevent. It would be, that is, politics as usual.

Jonathan Bernstein is a Bloomberg View columnist.

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