The Commercial Appeal

Don’t look for quick passage of tax overhaul

Little agreement among Republican­s on tough issue

- STEPHEN OHLEMACHER Where’s the White House?

WASHINGTON - After their humiliatin­g loss on health care, Republican­s in Congress could use a quick victory on a big issue. It won’t be an overhaul of the tax code.

Overhaulin­g the tax code could prove harder to accomplish than repealing and replacing former President Barack Obama’s health law. Congressio­nal Republican­s are divided on significan­t issues, especially a new tax on imports embraced by House Speaker Paul Ryan. And the White House is sending contradict­ing signals on the new tax, adding to the uncertaint­y.

House Republican­s also can’t decide whether to move on from health care. Ryan canceled a scheduled vote on a House GOP plan after it became obvious that Republican­s didn’t have the votes.

“This is a setback — no two ways about it,” Ryan said of the loss on health care. “I will not sugarcoat this — this is a disappoint­ing day for us.”

Ryan said he will continue to work on the issue, but one of his top lieutenant­s on health care, Rep. Kevin Brady, R-Texas, said he is now “100 percent” focused on a tax overhaul.

Ryan has said Congress can work on both at the same time. It won’t be easy. Here’s why:

Republican divide

House and Senate Republican­s largely agree on the broad outlines of a tax overhaul. They want to lower tax rates for individual­s and corporatio­ns and then make up the lost revenue by scaling back tax breaks.

But they are sharply divided on a key tenet of the House Republican plan.

The new “border adjustment tax” would be applied to profits from goods and services consumed in the U.S., whether they are domestical­ly produced or imported. Exports would be exempt.

House GOP leaders say the tax is key to lowering the top corporate income tax rate from 35 percent to 20 percent.

But good luck finding a single Republican senator who will publicly support the tax. Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio, is the latest in a long line of Republican senators to come out against it.

Absent Democrats

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, has said he wants to work with Democrats to overhaul the tax code.

“A bipartisan bill would allow us to put in place more lasting reforms and give the overall effort additional credibilit­y,” Hatch said.

Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, RKy., has said it is bad policy to pass major legislatio­n without bipartisan support.

“Without some meaningful buy-in, you guarantee a food fight,” McConnell wrote in his memoir last year. “You guarantee instabilit­y and strife.”

But in the House, Republican­s haven’t reached out to Democrats in any meaningful way.

“Obviously, we’re driving the train on this,” White House press secretary Sean Spicer said.

But President Donald Trump’s administra­tion has been all over the map on tax reform. Trump at one point said the House border tax is too complicate­d and later said it’s in the mix.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told a Senate panel that “there would be no absolute tax cut for the upper class” in Trump’s tax plan.

However, the plan Trump unveiled during his presidenti­al campaign would provide big tax breaks to high-income households.

Since taking office, Trump has promised “massive” tax cuts for the middle class.

Tax change is difficult

There is a reason it’s been 31 years since Congress rewrote the tax code. Since then, the number of exemptions, deductions and credits has mushroomed. Taxpayers enjoyed $1.6 trillion in tax breaks in 2016 — more than the federal government collected in individual income taxes.

That huge number could provide plenty of tax breaks that lawmakers can scale back so they can lower tax rates significan­tly. There is just one problem: All of the biggest tax breaks are very popular and have powerful constituen­cies.

Nearly 34 million families claimed the mortgage interest deduction in 2016. That same year more than 43 million families took advantage of a deduction of state and local taxes.

The House Republican­s’ tax plan would retain the mortgage deduction and eliminate the deduction for state and local taxes.

Health care

Both Trump and Republican­s in Congress made big campaign promises to repeal and replace Obama’s health law, so the issue won’t go away.

However, several players say negotiatio­ns on a way forward are nonexisten­t. In the meantime, Trump is stoking animosity among a key voting bloc by criticizin­g it on Twitter.

Two factions in the House GOP had members oppose the health plan: the hard-right Freedom Caucus and the moderate Tuesday Group.

Ryan has suggested they get together to sort out their difference­s, but it’s not happening, according to one key lawmaker.

“We are not currently negotiatin­g with the Freedom Caucus. There was never a meeting scheduled with the Freedom Caucus. We will never meet with the Freedom Caucus,” said Rep. Chris Collins, R-N.Y., a member of the Tuesday Group.

Trump tweeted: “The Freedom Caucus will hurt the entire Republican agenda if they don’t get on the team, & fast. We must fight them, & Dems, in 2018!”

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 ??  ?? House Speaker Paul Ryan says Congress can work on health care reform and tax code reform at the same time.
House Speaker Paul Ryan says Congress can work on health care reform and tax code reform at the same time.

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