The Commercial Appeal

Kan., Ga. special elections are a ‘wake-up call’ for Republican­s


WASHINGTON - U.S. House special elections this week in Kansas and Georgia are showing Democrats making inroads in traditiona­lly conservati­ve Republican districts, offering the first snapshot of the U.S. political landscape under President Donald Trump.

On Tuesday night, Republican Ron Estes, the state treasurer, won the southern Kansas district around Wichita by just 5 points. It’s a district Trump carried by 27 points in November.

This despite the fact that the official Republican campaign committee poured $100,000 in ads into protecting the seat, vacated by Trump’s new CIA Director Mike Pompeo, and took a series of last-minute steps to bolster the margin, including a Monday visit from Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and taped robo-calls from Trump and Vice President Mike Pence. Democrats devoted hardly any national resources to the race; smaller individual donors directed funds to James Thompson, a political newcomer.

“It’s a wake-up call,” said David Wasserman, the House editor at the nonpartisa­n Cook Political Report.

The outcome of the Kansas race sets the scene for a much closer contest in Georgia next Tuesday. Democrat John Ossoff is within striking distance in a district previously represente­d by Trump’s Health and Human Services secretary, Tom Price. Republican­s, including former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, have occupied the seat for 37 years.

Both races test whether the antiTrump grass-roots activism taking place across the country can translate into electoral success for Democrats. Trump was closely watching the race, sending out an early morning tweet congratula­ting Estes and incorrectl­y claiming that Democrats “spent heavily” in the race and predicted a win for themselves. Democrats did neither, with their involvemen­t limited to a round of live, get-out-the-vote calls in the final days.

The terrain in both states indicates there may be a combinatio­n of waning enthusiasm among Trump’s voters and declining approval ratings among independen­ts as the president struggles to accomplish any of the major legislativ­e goals he set out during the campaign, including replacing the health care law, overhaulin­g taxes, and spending on infrastruc­ture.

“There are also Trump loyalists in the electorate who don’t particular­ly love congressio­nal Republican­s,” Wasserman said. “If their enthusiasm is waning that’s a real problem for Republican congressio­nal candidates in a midterm.”

Still, it’s not clear the race was a pure referendum on Trump and his policies. Much of Thompson’s strategy was to tie Estes to the unpopular Republican governor, Sam Brownback.

Democrats face long odds in retaking control of the House. Republican­s are in control and Democrats would need to gain 24 seats to take over.

Many Republican districts were redrawn as part of the 2010 Census, making them safe, so Democrats would have to win in places like Georgia’s 6th to be successful.

In Kansas, Estes won with 52.5 percent of the vote and Thompson garnered 45.7 percent.

Push to win in Georgia

Unlike in Kansas, Democrats are making a significan­t push to win this seat from Republican­s.

In a place where Democrats normally pull in about $10,000, Democrat Jon Ossoff raised $8.3 million during the first quarter of the year and volunteers have flooded in as the Democratic resistance makes the race a symbol of their opposition. Some 95 percent of Ossoff’s donations have come from outside Georgia, according to the Atlanta JournalCon­stitution.

The district lines have changed over the years and changing demographi­cs have made the seat more competitiv­e. In November, Hillary Clinton lost by just 1 point, with 47 percent of the vote.

If Ossoff can’t reach 50 percent on Tuesday, the race would go to a June 20 runoff between the top two vote getters. If that happens, Republican­s would likely coalesce around a single opponent, making it harder for Ossoff to capture the seat. Right now, the GOP vote is fragmented among a number of candidates. There are a total of 18 candidates running for the seat.

 ?? FERNANDO SALAZAR/THE WICHITA EAGLE VIA AP ?? Kansas 4th District congressio­nal candidate Ron Estes survived a challenge from a Democrat in Tuesday’s special election.
FERNANDO SALAZAR/THE WICHITA EAGLE VIA AP Kansas 4th District congressio­nal candidate Ron Estes survived a challenge from a Democrat in Tuesday’s special election.

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