The Commercial Appeal

Lawmakers reach deal on sanction relief

New rule curbs president’s power to undo measures



House and Senate negotiator­s brushed aside White House objections Saturday and reached agreement on a broad sanctions bill that will make it more difficult for President Donald Trump to unilateral­ly ease or end punitive measures against Moscow.

The package punishes Russia for meddling in the U.S. presidenti­al elections and for its military aggression in Ukraine and Syria.

The White House had objected to a section of the bill that would mandate a congressio­nal review if Trump attempted to ease or end the sanctions.

Under the terms of the bill, Trump would be required to send Congress a report explaining why he wants to suspend or terminate a particular set of sanctions. Lawmakers would then have 30 days to decide whether to allow the move or reject it.

The agreement clears the way for passage of the legislatio­n before the August recess, with a vote in the House expected as early as Tuesday.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said he expected the legislatio­n to be passed quickly.

“Given the many transgress­ions of Russia, and President Trump’s seeming inability to deal with them, a strong sanctions bill such as the one Democrats and Republican­s have just agreed to is essential,” he said.

While it could face a presidenti­al veto, Saturday’s bipartisan deal suggests that might trigger a backlash by Republican and Democrats who would be able to override his decision.

The agreement resolves difference­s between House- and Senate-passed versions of a broad sanctions bill.

Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland, the No.2 House Democrat, said the final agreement includes stiff economic penalties for Iran and North Korea.

The sanctions targeting Russia, however, have drawn the most attention because of Trump’s persistent push for warmer relations with President Vladimir Putin, despite U.S. findings by U.S. intelligen­ce agencies of Kremlin interferen­ce in the 2016 presidenti­al campaign.

Hoyer said the bill would “ensure that both the Majority and Minority are able to exercise our oversight role over the Administra­tion’s implementa­tion of sanctions.”

“A nearly united Congress is poised to send President Putin a clear message on behalf of the American people and our allies, and we need President Trump to help us deliver that message,” said Sen. Ben Cardin of Maryland, the top-ranking Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee.

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