The Commercial Appeal

Resources for LGBTQ youths


I am a 15-year-old boy, and my family hates me because I am gay. My parents found out last year and became extremely angry with me. All I feel now is their hatred. They say I am a disgrace. Though they still take care of my needs, they say that when I turn 18, I’ll be on my own. I am not included in any family outings or welcome at any of my relatives’ homes.

The only one in my family who still seems to love me is my big brother, but he is in the Army and only comes home a couple of times a year. He has talked to my parents on my behalf, but they don’t listen to him at all. I have considered suicide, but I really don’t want to die. I just want to be forgiven. Is there anything I can do?

Dear Riley: Dear Annie: — “Riley”

I know life is very hard right now, but I beg you, please, do not hurt yourself. And if you feel that you are going to, dial 911.

If you are not in immediate danger and would just like to talk to someone who understand­s what you’re going through, I highly recommend calling the Trevor Lifeline, at 866-488-7386. The Trevor Project is a nonprofit organizati­on that focuses on suicide prevention among LGBTQ youths, and someone is there to help 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Whoever answers can provide resources for coping with the hardships you’re facing at home. You are beautiful and perfect just the way you are. Hang in there and there will be happier days in your future. I promise.

A farm that has been in my family for four generation­s was passed down to me. I love this land. It is not a great investment, I admit, but I don’t want to sell it. Instead, I would like for my children to own it when I die. My children don’t share the same connection to the farm that I do. I understand that they most likely will want to sell it. I am OK with that.

My husband insists that I should put his name on the deed now or provide in my will that he will inherit the farm from me if I die before he does. He insists that I should do so “as a sign of respect.” He says that he might need to sell it to pay for his care in old age. I doubt that, because we are reasonably well-off, but I have offered to put the land in a trust so that if he doesn’t have enough money, the income from the farm can support him. He is not satisfied. What should I do?

Dear Annie: Dear Love This Land: — Love This Land

It is your ancestral farm, and you should do with it whatever you please. But seeing as you mentioned that money isn’t really a concern, have you looked into donating the land? You seem to have such a deep connection with it that you might find joy in knowing it went to a good cause.

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