The Commercial Appeal

Corker: Firing Mueller would cause ‘total upheaval’

- Dave Boucher Nashville Tennessean USA TODAY NETWORK - TENNESSEE

It would be a bad idea for the president to fire the special prosecutor investigat­ing the Trump administra­tion, and Congress should look at legal protection­s to stop a potential firing, U.S. Sen. Bob Corker told CNN on Monday.

The comments from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman come after several weekend tweets from President Donald Trump that specifical­ly targeted Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his investigat­ion.

“I think he needs to leave Mueller alone,” Corker said, adding he didn’t like Trump’s tweets.

Corker, R-Tennessee, expects Senate leadership may include some legislativ­e protection for special counsel in a spending bill that needs to be passed by the end of the week to keep the government open. Mueller is investigat­ing possible obstructio­n of justice by Trump or the president’s associates, along with possible criminal campaign coordinati­on with Russia.

The president recently tweeted Mueller’s investigat­ion is a “witch hunt with massive conflicts of interest“staffed with “hardened Democrats,” prompting a new round of speculatio­n he would fire the former FBI director.

A Trump attorney denied Monday the president planned to fire Mueller.

“I think there would be a total upheaval in the Senate,” Corker said, when asked how his colleagues would react to a firing.

On Monday, the Washington Post reported Trump’s attorneys provided Mueller’s team with written descriptio­ns of events under investigat­ion. They provided the informatio­n in an effort to potentiall­y limit the scope of any future interview of Trump by Mueller, according to the Post.

Earlier Monday, Rep. Steve Cohen, DMemphis, said in a speech on the House floor that Congress must pass a bill to provide protection­s for special counsel threatened with inappropri­ate removal.

In December, Cohen and Rep. Walter Jones, R-N.C., introduced the bipartisan Special Counsel Integrity Act, which would put in place requiremen­ts and limitation­s regarding disciplina­ry action against a special counsel or his removal from office.

Specifical­ly, the bill says a special counsel could be removed or discipline­d only by the attorney general and for reasons that include misconduct, derelictio­n of duty, incapacity, conflict of interest or other causes, such as violations of Justice Department policy.

Cohen said he was disturbed by the firing of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, which he called “cruel, unAmerican and mean-spirited.”

Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced Friday that he fired McCabe. McCabe had announced in January that he planned to retire and his firing came just 48 hours before his retirement benefits would have set in.

Sessions cited the FBI’s handling of the investigat­ion into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while serving as secretary of state for McCabe’s firing.

Cohen warned that McCabe’s firing was “a shot across the bow at other government officials who are trying to do their jobs — Justice Department officials, FBI officials and law enforcemen­t officials who love this country and put their lives on the line.”

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