The Commercial Appeal

The need for speed


25 years ago — 1993

Republican County Commission­ers ignored charges of partisan politics and racism Monday and elected Jayne Creson to replace the late Richard C. ‘Sonny’ Mashburn as county clerk. Creson, 57, said she was not seeking the office on a partisan basis but will be a candidate for a fouryear term in the 1994 GOP Primary. She was elected to the $74,000-a-year position with seven votes — one more than required. Katherine Kirk, office administra­tor under Mashburn and wife of Commission­er Cleo Kirk, got the other four votes.

50 years ago — 1968

Snow which all but paralyzed the city yesterday is expected to melt today and tomorrow and no more is forecast. The Weather Bureau said it was the second heaviest snowfall on record for Memphis. The total was 16.1 inches, although because of some melting and packing, accumulati­on was 13 inches. A rapid drop in temperatur­e compounded the misery last night as bridges and viaducts iced over and the accident rate soared.

75 years ago — 1943

WASHINGTON — The War Labor Board last night turned down insistent labor demands for higher wages in the steel industry and served warning on United Mine Workers President John L. Lewis. The threat of a strike in the steel industry has been growing for the past seven weeks.

100 years ago — 1918

Mr. and Mrs. McKay Van Vleet will entertain with a brilliant dinner party this evening at the Memphis Country Club in honor of Miss Marietta Dunscomb and her fiancé, Sam Rembert.

125 years ago — 1893

The financial condition of the city has created an air of deep depression at City Hall. Mr. Clapp, president of the board of commission­ers, has lapsed into a state of apathy bordering on coma. The city is flat broke and the commission­ers intended to go to Nashville and ask the legislatur­e to raise the tax rate and approve a $150,000 bond issue for the city. “It is embarrassi­ng,” said Mr. Clapp. “I see no point in going to Nashville, unless the rest of the commission­ers go with me. Even then there is little hope of our getting satisfacti­on.”

 ??  ?? The first two of 25 supersonic F86H Sabrejets to be assigned to the 319th “Chickasaw” Fighter-Bomber Wing of the Air Force Reserve arrive at Municipal Airport during the third week of March 1957. The entire wing is “on the ready” at all times. BARNEY...
The first two of 25 supersonic F86H Sabrejets to be assigned to the 319th “Chickasaw” Fighter-Bomber Wing of the Air Force Reserve arrive at Municipal Airport during the third week of March 1957. The entire wing is “on the ready” at all times. BARNEY...

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