The Commercial Appeal

Teachers shift efforts from strikes into midterm races

- Melissa Daniels ASSOCIATED PRESS

PHOENIX – As they packed up their protest signs and returned to the classroom to finish out the school year, thousands of teachers in North Carolina turned their attention to a different fight: the midterm elections.

Their counterpar­ts in Arizona, Oklahoma and West Virginia are already waging a similar battle following protests over teacher pay that shut down schools statewide in recent months, transformi­ng education funding into a major midterm campaign issue in many states.

Leaders of the Arizona movement are gathering signatures for a ballot initiative to tax the wealthy and use the extra money to pay for education. They are vowing to oust lawmakers and other state officials whom they deem antieducat­ion. Teachers in Oklahoma and Kentucky are running for office in larger numbers, in some cases directly challengin­g incumbents who slashed education spending.

A march through downtown Raleigh on Wednesday drew thousands of teachers and shuttered schools for about two-thirds of the state’s students. Hundreds of people outside the House and Senate galleries held signs and chanted: “Remember, remember, we vote in November.” City blocks turned red, the color of shirts worn by marchers shouting, “We care! We vote!”

Teachers believe the momentum from the walkouts will propel them into the elections and force politician­s to take education seriously.

“We turn to the ballot, and we get it done that way,” said Noah Karvelis, an organizer of the group Arizona Educators United that mobilized the teacher walkout. “We got the power; we just execute now.”

In Oklahoma, the candidate filing period coincided with the second week of a teacher walkout that drew thousands of disgruntle­d educators and their supporters to the Capitol. The result was dozens of teachers and administra­tors who filed for state House and Senate seats, many making their first-ever run for office. Popular targets were Republican incumbents who opposed a package of tax increases used to pay for teacher raises.

In Kentucky, at least 39 current and former teachers are running for seats in the state legislatur­e in its upcoming primary. The most high-profile race involves a high school math teacher running against Republican Jonathan Shell, state House majority floor leader. Shell helped write a bill making changes to the teachers’ troubled pension plan that prompted an angry response from teachers.

Amanda Jeffers, a Democrat and a high school English teacher in Oklahoma City, said she had no plans to run for office until the statewide teacher walkout, during which she grew frustrated with the frosty reception she got from legislator­s.

“I always thought teachers were a respected community in the state. We were not treated with much respect,” Jeffers said. “The condescens­ion is definitely what sent me over the edge.”

Mark Jewell, president of the lobbying group North Carolina Associatio­n of Educators that organized the march, called Wednesday just the beginning of a six-month-long effort to replace legislator­s it blames for failing to raise teacher salaries and provide adequate school funding.

Arizona teachers, too, are pledging to stay politicall­y involved following a sixday walkout that jammed the Capitol with raucous rallies and secured a 20 percent pay raise over three years from a Republican-controlled statehouse and GOP Gov. Doug Ducey. Many teachers toted signs with the message “Remember in November” during the walkout, and the grass-roots group is focusing its immediate efforts on the ballot initiative to increase income taxes on wealthy earners.

More than 150,000 valid signatures are required to get the initiative on the ballot, and teachers have been training on how to circulate the petitions. On Wednesday, organizers pledged to gather 25,000 signatures in support of the tax proposal in solidarity with North Carolina.

The movement in Arizona is known as #RedforEd because the teachers donned red shirts when they began to organize – and its messaging bears a striking resemblanc­e to a political campaign.

It’s still too early to tell what kind of effect the movement will have on 2018 races in Arizona, with a hotly contested U.S. Senate seat and Ducey running for a second term.

Former Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, a Republican, called the teachers’ movement a force to be reckoned with.

“A sleeping giant was awoke. They’re awake and alive, and they’re out there, and they want change,” she said.

But Brewer warned that while the pay increase was well-deserved, teachers are overplayin­g their hand with the proposed tax increase on the wealthy.

“If the teachers put that initiative on the ballot, I think that could almost kill them,” Brewer said. “That’s just a page out of Bernie Sanders’ playbook that is so socialist that I don’t think people would tolerate it.”

 ??  ?? Liz Leivas, co-president of Tempe Education Associatio­n, right, gathers signatures recently for a ballot question on raising the income tax of wealthy Arizona earners to fund public education. MELISSA DANIELS/AP
Liz Leivas, co-president of Tempe Education Associatio­n, right, gathers signatures recently for a ballot question on raising the income tax of wealthy Arizona earners to fund public education. MELISSA DANIELS/AP

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