The Commercial Appeal

Trump-Kim summit’s symbolism may outshine the actual results

Handshake was historic, but it’s unclear if US will realize concrete gains


The handshake was historic. The words? Not so much.

President Donald Trump on Tuesday touted his unpreceden­ted meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as a breakthrou­gh that would ease decades of tensions that have made the Korean Peninsula one of the most dangerous places on Earth.

But the four-point joint statement the two men signed fell short of previous internatio­nal accords reached with Pyongyang and left big questions unanswered.

Susan Page

“We’re prepared to start a new history, and we’re ready to write a new chapter,” a relaxed and triumphant Trump said at a news conference after the oneday summit in Singapore. He called the outcome a “first, bold step for a brighter future.”

“The world will see a major change,” Kim had declared as the two men stood side by side in front of a phalanx of U.S. and North Korean flags.

The North Koreans “wanted to make a deal, and making a deal is a great thing for the world,” Trump said. The president dismissed the idea that the summit itself represente­d a major concession by the United States that had won little concrete in return.

The contrast was head-spinning with a president who less than a year ago was threatenin­g “fire and fury like the world has never seen” against a growing North Korean threat.

While there was skepticism about whether Trump could provide evidence of substantiv­e progress, there was little doubt Kim got what he wanted: a meeting with a sitting U.S. president, a prize that eluded his father and grandfathe­r. The two men stood as equals on stage, and Trump said he was “honored” to be there. With that picture alone, Kim bolstered the global legitimacy of what had been seen as a pariah state.

For now, Trump said tough sanctions on North Korea would remain in place until the denucleari­zation process was well underway. But he said the United States would stop the joint military exercises with South Korea that North Korea has long protested as provocativ­e.

In the accord, Kim reaffirmed the commitment he made in the Panmunjom Declaratio­n with South Korea in April “to work toward complete denucleari­zation of the Korean Peninsula.” That promise was less far-reaching and less specific than the agreement North Korea signed at the so-called six-party talks in 2005. Then, Pyongyang promised to abandon all nuclear weapons, to return to the Non-Proliferat­ion Treaty and to submit to internatio­nal inspection­s.

The new joint statement included no deadlines, no timetables and no verificati­on regimes. It didn’t include the adjectives for denucleari­zation the president had declared as his goal before the summit: “complete, verifiable and irreversib­le.”

Next will come follow-on negotiatio­ns called for in the accord, led by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and a senior North Korean official. They are promised to begin “at the earliest possible date, to implement the outcomes.”

“Handshakes matter,” said David Reynolds, a Cambridge historian and author of “Summits: Six Meetings That Shaped the Twentieth Century.” “A handshake matters, and that handshake between Kim and Trump matters as a symbolic thing. But there is a substantiv­e side of summitry that takes weeks to work through before we know if this is a breakthrou­gh or not.”

 ??  ?? President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un shake hands during their meeting at the Capella resort on Sentosa Island in Singapore on Tuesday.
President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un shake hands during their meeting at the Capella resort on Sentosa Island in Singapore on Tuesday.
 ??  ?? North Korea leader Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump shake hands at the conclusion of their meetings in Singapore.
North Korea leader Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump shake hands at the conclusion of their meetings in Singapore.

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