The Commercial Appeal



The Cranberrie­s singer Dolores O’Riordan, 46, accidental­ly drowned in a bathtub after drinking, an inquest concluded Thursday.

A police officer told the inquest at Westminste­r Coroner’s Court that a pajama-clad O’Riordan was found submerged in her bathtub at a London hotel on the morning of Jan. 15. The singer didn’t leave a note.

Five miniature alcohol bottles and a bottle of champagne were found in the room, and toxicology tests revealed a blood alcohol level four times the legal limit for driving.

Moore sues Sacha Baron Cohen over ‘defamatory’ TV prank

Failed U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore sued comedian Sacha Baron Cohen on Wednesday for defamation and emotional distress after being pranked on the actor’s television show.

The lawsuit appears to be the first actually filed by one of the string of politician­s who were duped and humiliated by Baron Cohen on the show “Who is America.”

The lawsuit filed Wednesday in federal court in Washington, D.C., accuses Baron Cohen of defaming Moore and says Moore “suffered extreme emotional distress” as a result of “being falsely portrayed as a sex offender and pedophile” on the show.

Moore was duped into appearing on a segment where Baron Cohen demonstrat­ed a supposed pedophile detecting device that beeped when it came near Moore.

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