The Commercial Appeal

Exercising in middle age can make stiff heart muscle more supple

- Ask the Doctors Elizabeth Ko and Eve Glazier

Dear Doctor: I’ve never really enjoyed exercise and have managed to get to a fairly healthy 58 without doing very much of it at all. But I just got remarried and my husband, who is pretty active, wants me to start some kind of fitness program. Really, at my age, what good will it do?

Dear Reader: We’re sorry to rain on your no-exercise parade, but your husband is on the right track. It’s never too late to start to reap the benefits of a fitness program. It’s not that we don’t understand your wish to avoid it. But we think half the battle when easing into a fitness program is choosing the right activities, then setting modest goals. Exercise comes in many guises and with some creative thinking and a bit of grit, we believe you can find an activity or two that you’ll enjoy enough that you’ll stick with it.

We’ve all heard a lot about the psychologi­cal boost that exercise imparts, which is no small thing in this stressful day and age. Staying active also helps regulate body weight and contribute­s to overall good health. Now, new research shows that for people over the age of 50, a time of life when blood vessels start to stiffen up and hearts gradually begin to get less efficient, regular exercise can reverse these effects.

In a study published in January, researcher­s in Texas evaluated the hearts of middle-age adults, looking at how stiff the cardiac muscles had become. When the study participan­ts were sorted by their degree of physical activity, it emerged that the heart muscles of regular exercisers were stronger and more supple – and therefore effectivel­y younger – than those of either the sedentary individual­s or those who exercised only occasional­ly.

Next, the researcher­s wanted to know what effect starting an exercise program later in life might have on the heart. To that end, they tracked two groups of previously sedentary individual­s. One group began exercising for 30 minutes at least four times per week. The other started a program of balance and stretching. Two years later, tests showed that the hearts of the exercise group had become not just stronger but also more supple. The stretch-and-balance group did not reap the same cardiac benefits.

The idea that we can return our hearts to a more youthful state, even later in life, is an exciting one. The challenge is to find an activity (or activities) you’re willing to do at least four times per week and will stick with over the years. Brisk walks or hikes require only a pair of decent shoes. Mix it up with activities you may have enjoyed as a child, such as cycling, swimming, trampolini­ng or skating. Working out with friends, your husband, or with music and books on tape helps make it all more interestin­g. Just be sure to start slow and take the time you need to ease into your new routine.

Eve Glazier, M.D., MBA, is an internist and associate professor of medicine at UCLA Health. Elizabeth Ko, M.D., is an internist and assistant professor of medicine at UCLA Health.

Send your questions to askthedoct­, or write: Ask the Doctors, c/o Media Relations, UCLA Health, 924 Westwood Blvd., Suite 350, Los Angeles, CA, 90095. Owing to the volume of mail, personal replies cannot be provided.

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