The Commercial Appeal

Democrats are failing on net neutrality

- Your Turn

Congress has once again failed to protect the internet – and what’s so galling is that progressiv­e leaders apparently wanted this effort to fail for political reasons.

Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer and others sought to use a procedure known as the Congressio­nal Review Act as a kind of legislativ­e “timemachin­e” to purportedl­y reach-back and reinstate the net neutrality rules adopted in the Obama administra­tion.

But everyone knew that neither the House nor the president would agree to it and the maneuver was a political one designed to anger millennial­s, like me, so we would vote for Democrats in the fall.

I like net neutrality and a healthy internet. But what I – and other millennial­s – don’t like is being patronized and manipulate­d like props for politician­s more interested in headlines than doing something to improve our lives.

There were more promising, but perhaps less media-grabbing, avenues to save net neutrality; our leaders didn’t take them. Good, old-fashioned legislatio­n, for example, would have avoided many of the pitfalls of the CRA maneuver and removed the issue from politicize­d agency rule making.

Some Democrats argued that a more traditiona­l legislativ­e approach might require a compromise on substance, but with over 70 percent of the public backing net neutrality, Republican­s were not about to play the loophole game. Many Republican­s even sent up siren calls favorable to legislatio­n.

By not taking this important opportunit­y, progressiv­e leaders in the Senate forsook the opportunit­y to protect net neutrality, but also other, arguably more important opportunit­ies.

These antics did nothing about Russian election interferen­ce, online bigotry and harassment, housing and other new strains of digital discrimina­tion. It implicitly blessed the regular invasions of privacy that, as AP reported recently, have created a secret modern surveillan­ce state where Google and other Big Tech monopolies track our every move.

The 2016 elections and the Cambridge Analytica woke us up to the dangers of the internet – but it’s not still clear whether real corrective action will occur. Polls show 70 percent of millennial­s expect more breaches of their privacy and 55 percent of all Americans believe government won’t do enough to rein in the abuses of Big Tech.

But as I cheer truth seekers of the Russia probe – those like Special Counsel Robert Mueller – Congressio­nal leaders who have the power to hold Facebook, Google and the other enablers accountabl­e turn a blind eye.

For many months now, the public has wanted Congress to restore net neutrality protection­s. The real big thinkers have seen the light for over a year.

“Rather than jousting over a resolution of disapprova­l, Congress needs to put this issue to bed once and for all by crafting a bipartisan deal,” thundered the LA Times. New York Times tech reporter Farhood Manjoo urged the same last summer.

It’s time leaders on both sides end the charade. We need real net neutrality, in legislatio­n that is permanent and without loopholes.

The current crop of Congressio­nal leaders seems to have missed the boat on all of this. Maybe it’s time for a changing of the guard.

Cordie Aziz is a millennial leader and CEO of Environmen­t360.

 ?? Cordie Aziz Guest columnist ??
Cordie Aziz Guest columnist

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