The Commercial Appeal



if expansion somehow sneaks past lawmakers, it will also face opposition from a new governor.

Gov.-elect Bill Lee, a Republican businessma­n, won a lopsided victory two weeks ago over Democrat candidate Karl Dean, a former Nashville mayor who made Medicaid expansion the central promise of his campaign. Lee, on the other hand, said repeatedly that as governor he would oppose expansion because he considers the proposal too expensive and the existing Medicaid program “fundamenta­lly flawed.”

“Obamacare will not expand in Tennessee under my watch,” Lee said over the summer, when asked about Medicaid expansion by The Tennessean. “Health care costs are skyrocketi­ng, and that would make it even worse.”

Lee: Medicaid expansion costly, short-sighted

In a series of interviews and public statements throughout his campaign, Lee instead pushed efforts to improve Tennessee’s health by reducing the cost of medical care and insurance premiums, and routinely rejected Medicaid expansion as too costly and shortsight­ed. He proposed expanded telemedici­ne and reforming the existing Medicaid program to become more efficient but never provided details on how many Tennessean­s would gain access to health care under these proposals.

“I think we have to advocate for a (Medicaid) model that works, and the current model isn’t working,” Lee said during an interview in October. “It’s not working because it’s a model that was addressed to meet the needs from years ago, but not the needs of the future.”

Medicaid is a government program, funded jointly by the federal and state government, that pay for health coverage for the poor and disabled. Tennessee’s system uses a sliding income scale to determine eligibilit­y for low-income parents, children, pregnant women and people with disabiliti­es. The Affordable Care Act, passed by the Obama Administra­tion, gives states the ability to expand eligibilit­y to all adults with income at or below 138 percent of the poverty line, with the promise to pay for 90 percent of the increase cost.

That change might sound small, but in Tennessee, it would be massive. If the program were to expand, estimates say that more than 300,000 Tennessean­s would now be eligible for coverage, which would completely transform the health care landscape across the state.

Because of this huge potential impact, Democrats often argue that Tennessee is losing out on about $1.4 billion in federal funding a year by refusing to seize the Obamacare option to expand the program.

But Lee and other opponents of Medicaid expansion argue that this funding could later vanish, leaving the state to pay for health care bills that it can’t afford on its own.

“How do we know that the rules of the game aren’t going to change once we get into this agreement?” said Stephanie Whitt, of the Beacon Center of Tennessee, a conservati­ve-leaning think tank that opposes expansion.

“It is simply unsustaina­ble for the government to be the ones paying for the majority of health care costs, and right now the federal government says it will pay for 90 percent,” she added. “But we don’t know that this is forever, and the states are going to pick up that cost eventually.”

One of Gov. Haslam’s biggest regrets

At least one prominent Tennessee Republican is not opposed to expansion.

Gov. Bill Haslam tried to bring coverage to these Tennessean­s in 2015, when he crossed party lines to proposal Medicaid expansion to the state lawmakers. Legislativ­e leaders balked at the proposal then killed it in committee, and Haslam’s plan never received a vote in either the House or the Senate.

Haslam has called the failed Medicaid proposal one of his biggest regrets, and now that he is leaving office, the campaign for expansion is losing its most powerful advocate. His allies in the proposal are trying to stay positive but acknowledg­e that the path to expansion is now steeper than ever before.

“Obviously, we took a run at it in 2015, and it was unsuccessf­ul,” said Craig Becker, president of the Tennessee Hospital Associatio­n, which worked with Haslam towards expansion. “Since then, we’ve have continued to work with the governor and the Legislatur­e to try to accomplish it, and frankly, we haven’t gotten too far. And we are still going to push for it during the Lee administra­tion.”

“I’m the eternal optimistic, and I think there is always a pathway if we can sit down and talk about,” Becker added. “One thing we did hear, certainly, from the governor-elect is that he is open to talking about finding solutions to the problems we have in this state. And I take him at his word.”

Ballot initiative­s not an option

Becker and other proponents of expansion ultimately have no choice but to work with Lee and the Legislatur­e because Tennessee law forbids them to pursue the strategy that worked in Utah, Nebraska and Idaho.

Lawmakers in these states had also blocked prior attempts to expand Medicaid, so voters ultimately used ballot initiative­s to circumvent them completely. Proponents in the three states collected more than 200,000 signatures to put Medicaid expansion on the ballot and directly in the hands of voters.

But this option is not available in Tennessee, a state with no legal framework for a statewide ballot initiative that skips the Legislatur­e completely. Signature-supported initiative­s are permitted in some Tennessee municipali­ties, but no amount of signatures can put a decision on the ballot statewide without approval from lawmakers.

There is at least some evidence that, if Tennessee allowed a statewide vote on Medical expansion, it would pass. Despite opposition in the Legislatur­e, a springtime poll by conducted by Mason-Dixon Polling & Research estimated two-third of Tennessean­s favor expansion.

For comparison, support was not that high in any of the three red states that pass expansion initiative­s on Election Day.

Brett Kelman is the health care reporter for The Tennessean. He can be reached at 615-259-8287 or at Follow him on Twitter at @brettkelma­n.

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