The Commercial Appeal

Ideologica­l gulfs separate couple



Editor’s Note: Annie Lane is off this week. The following column was originally published in October 2016.

Dear Annie: I am a soon-to-be divorced man who has suffered a great deal of pain after the collapse of my lengthy marriage. After enduring the dissolutio­n of multiple post-separation relationsh­ips, I found what in many ways is the perfect woman. As we have gotten to know each other, however, we have found huge ideologica­l gulfs between us.

My significan­t other does not vote. She does not believe in vaccinatio­n. Her disapprova­l of the gay lifestyle extends to having animosity toward gay individual­s. She believes in conspiracy theories, putting stock in the theory that the Pentagon was damaged by a missile in 2001. Her positions rankle me.

Do you believe that a relationsh­ip between individual­s who are opposites in many respects can survive?

— Night and Day

Dear Night: There are the sorts of pairs that are complement­ary “opposites.” But your pairing sounds more like Pop Rocks and soda — explosive.

My question for you is: Why the rush into dating? I suggest you put that on hold until your divorce is finalized. Once you’ve turned the last page in that painful chapter of your life, you can attempt to start fresh. You are used to being in a relationsh­ip and may compulsive­ly be seeking a woman to fill that role. Don’t be in such a rush to partner up that you settle for someone and find yourself wanting to excuse away major issues.

Dear Annie: I’m a 14-year-old boy from New Jersey. I just started high school and am involved in clubs and on the junior varsity football team. I’m not a straight-a student, but I make pretty good grades.

My parents got divorced when I was really little; I barely remember it. Both of them have since remarried. I live with my mom and stepdad most of the time.

I have an elder brother, who is 17, and a little brother, who is 4. My elder brother has had all sorts of problems since he was about 12 or 13. He has anger issues and shows our parents no respect, even cursing them out sometimes. He has slacked off in school and done things like faking signatures on failing tests.

Last year, they sent him to a program on a ranch for three months. It was kind of like a school/camp/rehab for troubled teens. It seemed to help him a lot. But less than a month after he got back, he started going back to his old bad ways again.

My parents are always so busy dealing with my brother’s issues that I feel as if they barely even notice me. I sometimes feel as if I’m being punished for being the good kid. What can I do? — Middle Child

Dear Middle: It’s not easy being golden. You’re a great blessing in your parents’ lives, and there’s no doubt in my mind that they know it, but they’re focusing their attention on the ongoing crises with your elder brother. Tell them how you feel. It might not exactly be fair that you have to remind them you need attention, too, but it’s fortunate for your family to have someone as mature and patient as you on the team.

Send your questions for Annie Lane to dearannie@ To find out more about Annie Lane visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.

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