The Commercial Appeal

Lawmakers weigh life sentences for juveniles


Gov. Bill Haslam’s decision last week to grant clemency to 30-year-old Cyntoia Brown has prompted renewed scrutiny of Tennessee’s uncommonly long sentences for juveniles convicted of first-degree murder.

Brown was 16 when she was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of a Nashville real estate agent, a stranger who had picked her up at an east Nashville Sonic then took her to his home, where she shot him in the back of the head.

Prosecutor­s called it a cold-blooded murder, but Brown’s advocates and attorneys said she was a victim of sex traffickin­g who feared for her life while she was with Allen.

Without Haslam’s interventi­on, Brown faced a mandatory 51 years in prison before the chance for parole. Instead, she is set for release Aug. 7.

There are 119 other men and women in Tennessee prisons convicted since 1995 for crimes they committed before their 18th birthday who are serving the same mandatory sentence, according to the Department of Correction. Some were as young as 14 at the time of their crimes.

Tennessee’s mandatory 51 years behind bars before a chance for parole is among longest in the nation.

There are 12 men and one woman serving life sentences with no possibilit­y of parole — a sentence the U.S. Supreme Court declared unconstitu­tional for juveniles except in rare circumstan­ces.

Advocates for sentencing reform and some lawmakers say Haslam’s order granting Brown clemency could serve as a tipping point for sentencing reform in Tennessee.

“Tennessee’s life sentences are completely out of step with the rest of the nation,” said the Rev. Jeannie Alexander from No Exceptions Prison Collective. Her group wants to see life sentences reduced for everyone regardless of age.

“Cyntoia Brown is extraordin­ary and she is not unique,” Alexander said. “This needs to be the moment when we recognize that and give people a second chance.”

A second look at life sentences

For first-degree murder, there are three sentencing options: the death penalty, life in prison with no possibilit­y of parole, and life with the possibilit­y of parole after 51 years.

For the past three years, efforts by some state lawmakers to lower the mandatory minimum time served before a chance of parole to 15 or 25 years have failed.

Lawmakers returning to session last week may be more inclined to tackle sentencing reform than in years past, said Rep. Mark White, R-memphis.

“We’re got a new General Assembly and we will see where everyone is at, but I’m in agreement with Gov. Haslam on Cyntoia Bown, a 16-year-old girl sentenced to life was too harsh,” White said. “I think the conversati­on around Cyntoia has opened it back up.”

White has yet to propose a bill, but said he plans to work with lawmakers from both parties to find consensus.

Sen. Raumesh Akbari, D-memphis, is moving forward with a measure that would give juveniles sentenced to life in prison a chance at parole after serving 20 years.

The measure would not apply to people who have already been sentenced to life without parole as of July, 2019 — the date the measure, if approved by lawmakers, would take effect.

Akbari is also proposing that the state eliminate all life without parole sentences for any juvenile and require the parole board to consider youth as a factor when weighing parole decisions.

“This doesn’t mean someone would get out after 20 years,” Akbari said. “The parole board would still have to approve it.”

Other states take action

The U.S. Supreme Court issued a pair of rulings in recent years that found mandatory life sentences for juveniles unconstitu­tional except in rare circumstan­ces and held that states must apply that decision retroactiv­ely.

Since 2014, at least 24 states have either eliminated life without parole for juvenile offenders or enacted new measures requiring an automatic review of life sentences imposed on teens after they have served a certain number of years — ranging from 15 to 40 years after sentencing.

Pennsylvan­ia was one of several states to create a mechanism to review sentences of every inmate serving life in prison. Of the 535 men and women serving life for crimes committed as juveniles, 250 were re-sentenced and 150 released, according to Marsha Levick, chief legal officer with Juvenile Law Center.

“Most states took their responsibi­lity seriously” following the Supreme Court rulings, she said. “It’s’ been a mixed bag of responses and some have been stunningly slow to act, but all of them make Tennessee look very much like an outlier.”

In Tennessee, the Supreme Court’s rulings have had no impact. That’s because state law already includes a mandatory review after 51 years — a length of time that advocates call a virtual life sentence.

And Tennessee, unlike other states, has not put into place any mechanism for reviewing the sentences of the 12 men and one woman sentenced as juveniles to life with no possibilit­y of parole.

Those individual­s don’t have a right to an appointed lawyer, said David Raybin, a Nashville attorney. Raybin argues that the 51-year mandatory minimum is too harsh for adults, too.

Prior to 1995, a life sentence in Tennessee was calculated as 30 years. With sentence credits, inmates could be eligible for parole in as early as 19.6 years.

During the administra­tion of former President Bill Clinton, the federal government offered states that strengthen­ed sentencing laws federal funds as part of a “get tough on crime” campaign. Tennessee’s 1995 Truth in Sentencing law extended the minimum sentence to 51 years.

In total, 185 juvenile offenders are serving life sentences, with and without the possibilit­y of parole, according to the Department of Correction.

Those convicted prior to the 1995 law have parole dates that vary from 25 to 30 years post-conviction, but could be eligible sooner to appear before a parole hearing given sentencing credits tied to their behavior while incarcerat­ed.

Davidson County Juvenile Court Judge Sheila Calloway said that lengthy sentences for juveniles convicted of even the most serious crimes ignores the reality and science about their ability to change from troubled children, often the subject of traumatic childhood experience­s, to responsibl­e adults.

“We give them these long sentences where they have no hope,” she said. “They do have the capability of changing, of going through rehabilita­tion and treatment and counseling becoming different people.

“Cyntoia is not unique. If every youth offender had the opportunit­y to go through college, receive counseling in a structured manner and receive training, they could all be rehabilita­ted and return to the community as different people.”

Vanderbilt Law School professor Terry Maroney said Brown’s case embodied the “bad old days” in juvenile justice, when it was easier to transfer juvenile cases to adult court and dole out heavy punishment­s.

“She is being freed at a moment in which we have gotten back to the historical recognitio­n of the fact that youth matters,” Maroney said. “She can be a symbol of the direction that we should be continuing to go in juvenile justice.”

While Maroney said she was happy for Brown, she added that Haslam’s decision to grant her clemency “does nothing” for inmates like her who are serving “de facto life without parole sentences” for crimes committed while they were teenagers.

Anita Wadhwani and Adam Tamburin Nashville Tennessean USA TODAY NETWORK - TENNESSEE

Legal challenges to Tennessee sentencing laws

In 2018, lawyers for Brown, a highprofil­e legal team that volunteere­d to work on her case, challenged her sentence in federal court, saying her 51-year sentence violated the spirit of U.S. Supreme Court rulings limiting life sentences for juveniles. That challenge is pending in a federal appeals court, and is likely mooted by her early release.

But Maroney said the question still applies for many people behind bars.

Maroney said she was hopeful Gov.elect Bill Lee would push systemic reforms after he takes office this month.

She said he could create a commission to review every 51-year sentence handed down for a juvenile crime. Lawmakers could revise the law to include early opportunit­ies for young people to be released earlier.

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