The Commercial Appeal

The importance of communicat­ion



Dear Annie: I am extremely disappoint­ed and saddened by your advice to “Sad in Wisconsin,” whose son’s family does not acknowledg­e the gifts “Sad in Wisconsin” gives. The writer answered his own question, believing he should express his feelings to his son. All you had to do was agree.

Instead, you offered “three apparent options.” None of the three involved actually telling his son how he feels. You indicated that the best one would be to just stop sending gifts. Why? Why do so many people in our society often choose to suffer in silence or “make someone pay” because they choose not to communicat­e with the person about their feelings and needs? You of all people, a giver of advice to millions, should encourage your readers to communicat­e with others.

So much of the divide in our country is because people don’t talk. They don’t listen. They don’t share their feelings and needs. They expect others to read their minds.

Please, use your bully pulpit to stop the madness and encourage people to communicat­e. “Sad in Wisconsin” obviously loves his son and wants a good relationsh­ip with him. No longer sending gifts would not accomplish that. Telling his son how he feels and what he needs just might. I’d also like to recommend that you and all of your readers check out Marshall Rosenberg’s books and some videos of his work on Youtube, as well as the Center for Nonviolent Communicat­ion. It’s life-changing. — Disappoint­ed

Dear Disappoint­ed: What a wonderful letter you have written. Thank you! Here is a letter from another reader who agrees with you:

“Sad in Wisconsin” wrote with the all-too-common issue of not receiving thanks for the presents he gives to his son and family. You offered three options:

“1) Keep sending gifts, and make peace with the lack of thank-yous. 2) Continue sending gifts and resenting the lack of thank-yous. 3) Stop sending gifts.”

But you did not include the most obvious option: Talk to them. It doesn’t have to be an accusatory conversati­on. He should just point out that the lack of acknowledg­ment makes it look as if the gifts are not wanted or are taken for granted. “Sad in Wisconsin” should also tell his son that he hopes he keeps that in mind in all of his relationsh­ips and that he hopes he’ll teach that lesson to his daughter. If that discussion were not to get results, he could go straight to No. 3.

No one had that talk with my niece, and her lack of basic manners cost her over $1 million in inheritanc­e. Though the purpose of thank-yous is not to position oneself for an inheritanc­e, the attitude adjustment is rewarding in many ways.

— Surprised by Your Reply

Dear Surprised: What a powerful example of the importance of teaching young people to say thank you. As my regular readers know, I always advise that people communicat­e their issues with others. I missed it this time. Thank you many times over for pointing out the obvious.

Send your questions for Annie Lane to dearannie@ To find out more about Annie Lane visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.

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