The Commercial Appeal



JACQUELINE BIGAR KING FEATURES SYNDICATE ★★★ Tap into your imaginatio­n; you might surprise even yourself with what comes up. You discover a way to turn a red light into a green light. Tonight: Play it low-key. ★★★★★ Success comes through a close associate’s help or suggestion. As stubborn as he or she might be, this person will move off his or her position when needed. Tonight: Surround yourself with friends. ★★★ You might not appreciate the heavy flow of others seeking you out. You feel obligated to respond accordingl­y. Others seem inordinate­ly generous with any slipups. Tonight: A friend plays an important role. ★★★★ Your imaginatio­n carries you past many hard moments. Use this ability to resolve a problem that seems to always be present. When you relax, a viable solution comes up. Tonight: Relax to a favorite TV series. ★★★★ You feel more secure with this person because he or she is available to help you brainstorm or sleuth through a risky yet touchy situation. This person helps tame your impulsiven­ess. Tonight: Return a long-distance call. ★★★★ Defer to others. At the same time, catch up with others and see what’s on their mind. You might want to visit with one person at home — where both of you will be free to speak. Tonight: Play it mellow. ★★★ Work past a problem; don’t allow yourself to let go and decide that a resolution isn’t available. A resolution does exist. Communicat­ion remains sunny and upbeat. Brainstorm with a key person. Tonight: Know your limits. ★★★★★ Your creativity emerges to help you get past someone’s self-imposed restrictio­n. He or she will slowly open up and grin. Then, you can have an active and worthwhile conversati­on. Tonight: Squeeze in a stress buster. ★★★ You seem to be able to deal with a loved one’s or roommate’s tantrum. You might want to pull back and take a hard look at what seems restricted or unavailabl­e. Tonight: Be as agreeable as possible. ★★★ Your sixth sense emerges. Because you’re also unusually resilient and creative, you can use it to clear out a difficult problem. Be willing to express an idea you’ve been mulling over. Tonight: Meet up with a friend. ★★★★ You could be overly responsive to a friend. But you might not focus on another priority. Before you decide on a financial change, make sure your finances are as you think they are. Tonight: Be confident. ★★★★ You feel as though you cannot be stopped. Use some of this energy to manifest more of what you want. Goodwill stems from a public appearance. Tonight: As you like.

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