The Commercial Appeal

Daily Bridge Club



Today’s West was the dreaded Grapefruit, my club’s sourpuss member. He berates his partners mercilessl­y.

Against six diamonds, Grapefruit led the queen of spades. South took the ace, drew trumps, led a heart to dummy’s ace and ruffed the last spade. He took the king of hearts and ruffed a heart.

Declarer next led a club to dummy’s jack. East won but was end-played. He could return a club to dummy, concede a ruff-sluff by leading a spade, or lead his last heart, setting up dummy’s fifth heart. So South made his slam, and Grapefruit told East that he was as useless as the “p” and “h” in “psycho.” COMPLAINT “What did I do?” East complained. “Even a doofus would double North’s five-club cue bid for the lead,” Grapefruit growled. “Then I’ll lead a club and break up the end play.”

South could still succeed with a club lead. He could duck it to East, win the spade return, take the ace of clubs and run his trumps. At the end, East would be squeezed in hearts and clubs.

Questions and comments: Email Stewart at frs1016@centurylin­

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