The Commercial Appeal

GOP gains control of all statewide offices

- The Clarion-ledger | USA TODAY NETWORK

Luke Ramseth and Giacomo Bologna

JACKSON, Miss. - Republican Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves won the race for Mississipp­i governor Tuesday night, defeating Democratic Attorney General Jim Hood.

For the first time since Reconstruc­tion, Republican­s were on track Tuesday to control all statewide elected offices in Mississipp­i. They also are expected to maintain super-majority control of the legislatur­e.

In incomplete and unofficial results, Reeves led Hood on Tuesday night 52% to 47%. After a race filled with attack ads, Reeves took a conciliato­ry tone in his victory speech in downtown Jackson.

“I will try to do what is right for the future of Mississipp­i,” Reeves said. “And I mean all the people of Mississipp­i.”

Reeves calls for unity

After spending months tarring Hood as a liberal beholden to trial lawyers and national Democrats, Reeves downplayed any acrimony, joking that they disagreed on a few issues. He called Hood a dedicated public servant and asked the crowd to applaud Hood.

“We all know that campaigns are necessaril­y tough. Battles in the legislatur­e can be tough,” Reeves said. “But we only have one governor. And that one governor must serve one people.”

In the past Reeves promoted his ability to reject government spending, but he told supporters it is now time to invest in the state’s people, particular­ly teachers and students.

“Our state is in excellent financial shape. We have made tough financial decisions to get us here. Those

Mississipp­i results

Find out who won elections in Desoto County as well as statewide races. 3A

decisions were not always popular. But the right thing often is not popular,” Reeves said. “We will move Mississipp­i up the charts. We will make investment­s, and we will get results.”

Reeves said his supporters worked hard because they “believe that Mississipp­i must be different.”

“We must resist the leftward drift of our country. We must build a workforce for the jobs of the next 50 years,” he said. “We must protect the culture that makes this a great place to raise a family. We must understand that you can govern as a conservati­ve in Mississipp­i and still get elected.”

Hood concedes

Hood conceded and called Reeves at about 10:30 p.m., telling supporters, “We’ve run a good race.” Hood reiterated a campaign theme, that he ran to try to help “the least among us.”

“The good Lord has allowed me to serve the people of Mississipp­i for 24 years,” Hood told a crowd gathered at a downtown Jackson hotel. “It has been a good run. I guess it was not his will that we would continue on as governor. I can tell you, it will be a relief not to have the stress of holding political office.”

Reeves outspent Hood two-to-one, but polls leading up to the contest showed a tight race.

Reeves, the second-term lieutenant governor and former state treasurer, was long considered heir apparent to Gov. Phil Bryant. He cast himself as a hardline conservati­ve and frequently brought national politics into his speeches and ads.

“We’re gonna run this state like Donald J. Trump is running America,” Reeves told a crowd last month.

Hood was the state’s attorney general for 16 years. He shied away from associatin­g with other Democrats and actively courted moderate Republican­s upset with the status quo.

In addition to more spending on education and infrastruc­ture, Hood campaigned on expanding Medicaid to lower-income Mississipp­ians under the Affordable Care Act, which would bring billions of dollars of federal money to the state. Hood said this could be done without raising taxes, aligning himself with a plan promoted by some Republican­s.

Hood said he was pleased to see the “middle” — including moderates and Republican­s

— come together to support him. Yet he also lamented the sharp partisan nature of the contest several times, indicating much of it was due to the national political climate.

“All this partisansh­ip is something that hopefully will change,” Hood said. “It has gotten to such an extent that people you know, that you go to church with, don’t vote for you. There’s something wrong with that. We need to get back to a time where we’re more cordial to each other, in our political affairs.”

Hood also said he felt the race had given many Mississipp­ians hope that they could push for improvemen­ts in health care, education and roads.

“The battle’s not over,” he said, adding educators in particular should continue to push for higher pay in the legislatur­e.

Reeves and Hood were destined for a general election match-up until two Republican­s with more moderate positions joined the Republican primary.

While Hood cruised to victory in the Democratic primary, Reeves needed a runoff to defeat a Republican opponent who called for spending more on education, expanding Medicaid and raising the gasoline tax to pay for infrastruc­ture repair.

According to campaign finance reports filed last week, Hood’s campaign spent $5.2 million this year, while the main campaign fund for Reeves spent $10.8 million.

In the end, Reeves won by more than 5 percentage points.

“I understand that this victory does not belong to me. This victory belongs to you,” Reeves told supporters. “You got us through the primary. You got us through the runoff. And you got us through the toughest general election in the last 28 years.”

Trump takes credit for win

President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence both traveled to Mississipp­i within the last week to rally for Reeves. Meanwhile, former President Barack Obama recorded a last-minute robocall in support of Hood.

“I can’t believe this is a competitiv­e race,” Trump said at a rally in Tupelo on Friday, calling it “embarrassi­ng” that a governor’s race in deep red Mississipp­i was so close.

The president tweeted Tuesday night to congratula­te Reeves — but added the race was a dead heat until his rally.

“Our big Rally on Friday night moved the numbers from a tie to a big WIN,” Trump tweeted. “Great reaction under pressure Tate!”

In his victory speech, Reeves thanked both Trump and Pence for their visits.

“It would have been easy for them to ignore an election for state office in little ol’ Mississipp­i,” Reeves said. “But they paid attention. They showed up, and they worked hard. And I will never, ever forget their support.”

When a reporter later asked Reeves if he could have won without Trump’s support, Reeves did not directly answer the question.

“Politics is a team sport. We had a lot of support from a lot of people all across America,” Reeves said. “I certainly appreciate President Trump. I appreciate Vice President Pence.”

Governors congratula­te Reeves

Officials with the national Republican Governors Associatio­n congratula­ted Reeves Tuesday night.

“Tate Reeves ran a great campaign against the Democrats’ strongest possible recruit, and the RGA is proud to have helped secure his decisive victory,” RGA Executive Director Dave Rexrode said in a statement, adding the RGA sunk $2.5 million into the race, both in direct support to Reeves and other expenditur­es. “We congratula­te Governor-elect Reeves on a race well won, and look forward to welcoming him to the ranks of America’s great Republican governors.”

Ronna Mcdaniel, chair of the Republican National Committee, also congratula­ted Reeves. But on Twitter she characteri­zed his win as solely because of Trump’s visit, claiming Reeves was “down double-digits” before the Tupelo rally.

In another off-year gubernator­ial race Tuesday — which also drew national attention and partisan support — Democratic challenger Andy Beshear unseated incumbent Republican Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin.

Trump had also campaigned in Kentucky, a conservati­ve state with mostly Republican statewide leaders, ahead of Tuesday’s vote.

Two other candidates also ran for Mississipp­i governor. David Singletary, who ran on a pro-marijuana platform, and Bob Hickingbot­tom of the Constituti­on party, each received less than 1% of the vote.

Contact Luke Ramseth at 601-9617050 or Follow @lramseth on Twitter. Please support our work at the Clarion Ledger by subscribin­g.

Laura Testino covers education and children’s issues for the Commercial Appeal. Reach her at laura.testino@ commercial­ or 901-5123763. Find her on Twitter: @Ldtestino

 ?? SARAH WARNOCK/CLARION LEDGER ?? Surrounded by family and friends in the ballroom of the Westin Hotel in downtown Jackson, Miss., Tate Reeves gives a victory speech to his supporters. Reeves won the Mississipp­i gubernator­ial race against Democratic candidate Jim Hood on Tuesday.
SARAH WARNOCK/CLARION LEDGER Surrounded by family and friends in the ballroom of the Westin Hotel in downtown Jackson, Miss., Tate Reeves gives a victory speech to his supporters. Reeves won the Mississipp­i gubernator­ial race against Democratic candidate Jim Hood on Tuesday.
 ?? BARBARA GAUNTT/CLARION LEDGER ?? Annabelle Hood leans on her father, Jim Hood, as a closing prayer is said after Hood addressed his supporters at the King Edward Hotel on Tuesday in Jackson, Miss. Before speaking, Hood conceded the race for governor, calling Republican Tate Reeves to congratula­te him.
BARBARA GAUNTT/CLARION LEDGER Annabelle Hood leans on her father, Jim Hood, as a closing prayer is said after Hood addressed his supporters at the King Edward Hotel on Tuesday in Jackson, Miss. Before speaking, Hood conceded the race for governor, calling Republican Tate Reeves to congratula­te him.

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