The Commercial Appeal



Kiss sets closing dates of farewell tour, including an NYC finale

Kiss will wheel out the makeup, pyro and platform boots one last time, with 40-plus North American shows to cap its End of the Road World Tour, including a July 2021 career closer in its home state of New York. By the time it wraps, the tour will have played more than 180 concerts on five continents.

The itinerary the band announced Thursday starts Feb. 1 in New Hampshire and wraps up with a pair of October shows in Texas. Tickets for the general public will go on sale at 10 a.m. local time Nov. 22 in most markets.

Original members Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley are joined by drummer Eric Singer and guitarist Tommy

Thayer, part of the band lineup since the mid-2000s.

This isn’t the first time Kiss has toured under the guise of a goodbye, but this one seems to be the real deal. By the time July 2021 arrives, Simmons will be 71 and Stanley will be 69.

“We’re wearing 30 to 40 pounds of gear, running around and making it look easy,” Stanley told the Detroit Free Press this spring. “It’s fun, but we also realize we can’t do it forever.”

NJ reporter slays ’em at Trump impeachmen­t inquiry hearings

New Jersey-based drag queen Pissi Myles caused a stir on social media when she arrived Wednesday on Capitol Hill for the Trump impeachmen­t inquiry hearings.

Myles is reporting on the hearings at the Longworth House Office Building for streaming channel Happs News, available on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. “It’s a crazy day in Washington! I’m flipping my wig over the highenergy proceeding­s today,” Myles told NBC News. “Tensions are high, and the bar for who’s allowed in the Longworth House is very, very low.”

Myles caught the attention of many across social media.

“THIS is what Democracy looks like!” tweeted “Today Show” reporter Alexander Kacala, while C-SPAN producer Annie Anderson told her Twitter followers, “I have lost all of my power to be productive today as I am only interested in Pissi Myles sightings.”

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