The Commercial Appeal


‘Attitude of gratitude’ fosters better health


Dr. Mary W. Ulrich

November has arrived, which means Thanksgivi­ng is just a few weeks away. We enjoy additional time spent with family, lots of food, fellowship, football and always rememberin­g the meaning behind Thanksgivi­ng – to give thanks for the many blessings enjoyed by our nation and citizens. Though often lost in the arrangemen­ts and planning, many modern-day families forget the significance of Thanksgivi­ng, thus, missing out on that gem in which our forefather­s recognized when they instituted the holiday.

Unfortunat­ely, Thanksgivi­ng nowadays is often lost under the cloud of media hype, sales pitches and Black Friday discounts.

From a historical standpoint, it’s important to remember Thanksgivi­ng was initially celebrated by the Pilgrims in 1621.

It is a traditiona­l English harvest festival that lasted three days and brought the Pilgrims and Native Americans together to unite in a “thanksgivi­ng” observance.

Those key words, “observance” and “thanksgivi­ng,” are essentiall­y what the holiday is all about.

So, this year, remember those words; foster a thankful heart while creating an attitude of gratitude for the health of you and your family.

Interestin­gly enough, thoughts of gratitude support our mental health, while having a thankful heart may even protect your physical health.

A study done at the University of California, San Diego, found that those who tend to show gratitude have a healthier physical heart with less inflammation, healthier cardiac rhythm and lower blood pressure.

The practice of daily gratitude also improves the body’s immune system by creating more disease-fighting cells.

Further, people who have a habit of being thankful tend to sleep better, age slower and have an easier time with weight loss.

An attitude of thankfulne­ss tends to reduce stress hormones, including cortisol, while relieving inflammation throughout the body.

Perhaps it is for these reasons that grateful people also tend to have fewer aches and pains.

Habitual gratitude also tends to lead to healthier emotional health.

Research shows having an attitude of gratitude enhances positive emotions such as love, joy, contentmen­t while reducing negative emotions like anxiety and depression.

Dr. Robert Emmons of the University of California at Davis has overseen multiple studies regarding the impact of gratitude on one’s quality of life.

Emmons found spending just 5 minutes a day writing down things one is genuinely thankful for can lead to great improvemen­t on the outlook of life and mental health.

The longer one journals grateful thoughts, the bigger the improvemen­ts.

Clinically speaking, when you show gratitude, your brain puts out a burst of dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotrans­mitter that helps us feel good, triggering positive emotions, causing enhanced optimism while also fostering the desire for camaraderi­e.

Gratitude is certainly a part of spiritual health as well.

Thanksgivi­ng is based on religion rooted in the Judeo-christian tradition of our country, teaching that all things come from God, therefore, we are to be thankful for everything.

Similarly, Christiani­ty recognizes that God is the giver of all good things, and so thanksgivi­ng is paramount.

Islam and Buddhism also teach it is important to have a grateful attitude.

In short, one thing these religions agree upon is that it is healthy for one’s spirit to be thankful.

It is no surprise the expression of gratitude also helps interperso­nal relationsh­ips.

Studies show that the feeling of gratitude toward someone makes it easier to begin and maintain an enduring relationsh­ip.

There is evidence that relationsh­ips will be stronger if one feels appreciati­ve; there is also evidence that expressing gratitude is even better.

To garner the biggest impact of expressing gratitude, studies show a “thank you!” doesn’t necessaril­y result in as much of a benefit as giving details as to what you are thankful for.

In other words, if you want your relationsh­ips to grow, communicat­e in detail all the characteri­stics you appreciate.

An attitude of gratitude is also very helpful on the job.

Just as gratitude leads to less stress in the body, it reduces stress in the workplace.

As a result, workers tend to feel better, work harder and meet deadlines more consistent­ly.

A Harvard study found employees who received a gratitude-laden pep talk prior to soliciting donations made 50% more calls than a control group not given the talk.

Further, studies have shown gratitude tends to cause people to become more attentive to the needs of others, which enhances team building.

A supervisor who habitually shows appreciati­on to employees tends to have a better relationsh­ip with subordinat­es, better communicat­ion and improved workflow.

Finally, gratitude is good for the culture.

Modern psychologi­sts call gratitude a “moral barometer.”

It is called this for three reasons. First, gratitude helps us recognize moral good.

Second, gratitude is a moral motivator as it causes us to act in positive ways toward others.

Third, gratitude is seen as a moral reinforcer; when shown appreciati­on, a benefactor is more likely to continue to perform helpful acts for other people.

This Thanksgivi­ng, enjoy the extra time spent with family; your Thanksgivi­ng meal, plenty of football, but most importantl­y, remember to truly give thanks for all your blessings while teaching your children to do the same.

Just think about how much healthier our culture will be if we all would work on cultivatin­g a more positive outlook with an attitude of gratitude.

Mary Ulrich, MD, is a pediatrici­an with Pediatrics in Brevard, Melbourne. She received her medical degree from University of Oklahoma College of Medicine and has been practicing pediatric medicine for more than 20 years.

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 ?? IMAGES GETTY ?? Thanksgivi­ng and Christmas bring out the joy and thankfulne­ss in many people. A recent study found those who show gratitude have a healthier physical heart with less inflammati­on, healthier cardiac rhythm and lower blood pressure.
IMAGES GETTY Thanksgivi­ng and Christmas bring out the joy and thankfulne­ss in many people. A recent study found those who show gratitude have a healthier physical heart with less inflammati­on, healthier cardiac rhythm and lower blood pressure.

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