The Commercial Appeal

Trump, Pelosi claim stimulus credit

- John Fritze and Ledyard King USA TODAY

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump said the $2 trillion-plus coronaviru­s stimulus he signed into law was in shambles until he got involved, loaded up with “junk” Democrats wanted that wouldn’t have done much to jump-start the economy.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Dcalif., has made a similar argument, suggesting Senate Republican­s’ initial proposal was a corporate giveaway saved only by political “jujitsu” to place the emphasis on helping American workers.

Both sides are eager to frame the stimulus they know will be unpopular with some constituen­ts, even if it does stave off a major economic meltdown. Though the particular­s are different, the message is the same: It could have been worse if the other side had gotten its way.

“We were literally going to have to walk away and start all over again, they had so much junk in there, and it was junk,” Trump told Fox News.

What Republican­s beat back

❚ Trump and other Republican­s accused Democrats of trying to slip a “Green New Deal” into the stimulus. Though the bill never included a wholesale approach to climate change, it is true that some Democrats sought environmen­tal provisions in the measure.

Chief among them: requiring airlines to lower carbon emissions.

❚ The Democrats pushed for sameday voter registrati­on requiremen­ts and for states to have at least 15 days of early voting. Their initial bill set aside $4 billion to help states pull off elections during the pandemic.

Republican­s started with about a $140 million proposed grant for elections. The final bill signed by Trump included $400 million. The other mandates were dropped.

❚ Democrats sought a major infusion of cash for the U.S. Postal Service. The Democratic proposal would have set aside $25 billion over two years to the struggling Postal Service while wiping way $11 billion in debt.

The stimulus Trump signed into law eliminated most of that money. Instead, the measure will allow USPS to borrow $10 billion from the U.S. Treasury.

What Democrats beat back

❚ Republican­s attached few strings to the billions of dollars they proposed for large corporatio­ns, including the airline industry. Democrats, recalling the controvers­ial stock buybacks and corporate bonuses paid out after the 2009 stimulus bill, insisted that wouldn’t happen again. Trump eventually acknowledg­ed he would be fine if the bill prohibited measures to raise stock prices.

❚ Democrats ripped what they criticized as meager treatment of the newly unemployed in the initial GOP bill. They worked in a provision to boost unemployme­nt insurance by $600 per week for four months. The package extends how long Americans can receive the payments.

❚ Republican­s wanted to put aside $75 billion for hospitals and medical providers. Democrats wanted far more but were able to leverage their votes to double the amount to $150 billion.

The stimulus measure provides states and local government­s on the front lines of the pandemic response with another $150 billion in aid. That is far more than what Republican­s wanted but not as much as the $200 billion Democrats requested.

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