The Commercial Appeal

Paramedics go unapprecia­ted


Dear Annie: I read with much appreciati­on your letter to health care workers. Thank you for the reminder that there are people out there who have given up their private lives for the good of the rest of us. My concern is somewhat personal, as I have a son who is a paramedic.

It seems as if paramedics and all emergency medical technician­s are often left out of the papers and TV stories. Paramedics are often first at the scene, even before the fire personnel and police officers. They are the ones who must transport the individual to the hospital; they are the ones who must stay in the emergency room with the patient until the doctor or nurse has had time and opportunit­y to evaluate the situation.

They put their lives on the line just like all the others who are always mentioned. Let’s not forget those we see but do not recognize because their title is not as impressive as others’. Thanks for letting me vent. My son, and the sons and daughters of other parents, need the recognitio­n their job deserves.

— A Caring Parent

Dear Caring Parent: Paramedics and EMTS are indeed heroes, and we thank them for all of their hard work. You have every right to speak up for your son, and I can assure you that we all appreciate what him and his colleagues.

Dear Annie: My parents originally made me executor of their trust. My brother, who is now 59, caused them nothing but heartache. He was fired from three jobs I know of, and he was given a dishonorab­le military discharge. He has never been close to my two sisters or brother.

My husband died, and my parents both had dementia. My brother came to live with them and “take care” of them. My parents then made him executor of their trust.

Both of my parents passed of old age. We find out now that my dad closed the trust, all the safe deposit boxes and put everything, $700,000, into a JOINT checking account with my brother.

None of us are included in the will, and my brother got it all including Mom’s jewelry. Is there a way we can sue him for fraud?

— Heartbroke­n

Dear Heartbroke­n: I am so sorry for your loss, not only of your parents but also your relationsh­ip with your brother.

If you can, first try and speak with him about all of this. Tell him you love him but that perhaps your parents didn’t meant to leave everything to just one of their children. That doesn’t make sense.

If he is unwilling to compromise or listen to you, bring in legal counsel. Because your parents had dementia when they changed their will, you might have legal recourse.

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