The Commercial Appeal

Calling for bipartisan­ship


I have been a lifelong Republican. I have lived in blue states and red states. I’ve been privileged to see every part of America, rural and urban, eastern and western, northern and southern. The one thing that has remained constant is the generosity and spirit of America. That means coming together and helping our brothers and sisters. Quite frankly, I am ashamed that the party of Lincoln, who unified our nation and fought to end slavery, cannot see past red and blue.

I am ashamed that the party of Theodore Roosevelt, a man of privilege and wealth who fought to ensure the safety of the public was at the heart of our national agenda, cannot understand that it is every one of our responsibi­lities to protect each other and that by protecting someone in need, we are living up to the American ideal. I’m ashamed the party of Eisenhower, whose massive public works allowed our nation to become more accessible and connected, is willing to let arbitrary state lines come before human decency.

I beg Sen. Alexander, Sen. Blackburn and Rep. Cohen to lay rest to the partisansh­ip and lay rest to their superficial allegiance to the label Republican or Democrat. They need to put aside their petty squabbles and personal grievances toward individual­s and toward regions of country and protect every American by providing the relief our states need.

I speak for every resident of Tennessee when I say we are a safer, more full nation when we stand as a union, one nation, indivisibl­e with love, compassion, and safety for all.

Joseph Westwright, Memphis

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