The Commercial Appeal

Show interest during an interview



Dear Annie: I’ve been applying for jobs but having no luck. I did interview at two places this month. It did not work out at either. I’m wondering about one part of the interview.

When they ask if I have any questions for them, what am I supposed to say?

I really need work and, honestly, don’t need to know anything except whether I have the job. I tend to blank out and say no, thanking them for their time. Any advice you can offer would be appreciate­d.

— Striking Out

Dear Striking Out: You’re interviewi­ng them as much as they’re interviewi­ng you. You may not feel like it, especially in a tough economic climate. But act like it anyway. It will imbue you with a sense of confidence that is far more alluring to employers than an air of desperatio­n.

Here are old standbys that are perfectly appropriat­e to ask: “Is there room for growth here?” “What do you feel is the most challengin­g part of this position?” “Are there opportunit­ies for evaluation?”

Then there are some that are less common but perhaps even more compelling, e.g., “Do you have any concerns about my qualificat­ions?” or “Would you be able to share an example of someone who excelled in this role?

Or an example of someone who wasn’t a good fit and why?” Bring a notepad with keywords jotted down to jog your memory, and take notes on their responses. Employers want to know that you’re interested. Most importantl­y, remember to breathe and smile. You’ve got this.

Dear Annie: We are spending the springtime at home with just a few others, not at all what we expected to be doing. Normally, there would be proms, sports, religious gatherings, graduation­s, weddings and so many other events with family and friends. The Key Idea, a community arts organizati­on is collecting postcard stories about quarantine experience­s. There are some challenges, but lots of wonderful things are happening as well.

People of all ages are invited to be a part of this community art project by documentin­g firsthand experience­s during this historic time.

What is your quarantine experience and how are you coping? Send us the good, the bad, the sad, the funny and the ironic.

You can make a postcard on paper or digitally. Share your ideas and strategies for coping and have your postcard featured on our site.

Mail cards to: The Keys to Coping, PO Box 304, West Hyannispor­t, MA 02672. Or email them to Find out more on

— Lenore Lyons, founder, The Key Idea

Dear Ms. Lyons: What a fun idea, and it’s important to document this time in history for future generation­s to look back on. I’m happy to print the address here and encourage readers to share their stories.

Send your questions for Annie Lane to dearannie@ To find out more about Annie Lane visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.

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