The Commercial Appeal

No tax hike in Shelby County budget

- Katherine Burgess

Shortly after midnight Tuesday morning — and after months of wrangling — Shelby County commission­ers passed a budget to take them through 2021. The county will not see an increase to either its property tax or its vehicle registrati­on fee, commonly called the wheel tax, this year. And commission­ers managed to whittle down the budget to use only $9.5 million of their fund balance, sometimes referred to as their "savings account," to plug a budget deficit. That $9.5 million will leave the fund balance at 19% of the county's revenue, just below the minimum of the county policy, which is to maintain an unassigned fund balance in its general fund of 20-30% of revenue in order to provide cash flow for operations throughout the year. However, commission­ers had earlier discussed using up to $16 million from the fund balance in order to plug a gaping hole in the budget. Managing to only use $9.5 million was "pretty amazing," said Commission Chairman Mark Billingsle­y. "So we have a budget. I feel like we ought to send off a fireworks show," Billingsle­y said at the meeting, which began Monday afternoon and ended shortly after midnight Tuesday. But county officials acknowledg­e they will still have to face budget difficulties down the road, and they had to make steep cuts in order to create a balanced budget without a tax increase. This year's budget had about $15 million in cuts, but also included new expenditur­es such as sheriff 's deputies to patrol newly de-annexed areas of the county and money for inmate medical services. When the budget process began, Mathilde Crosby, director of finance, projected that the county would have a budget shortfall of $32.6 million in fiscal year 2021 even before considerin­g requests from various Shelby County department­s. Since 2017, Shelby County expenditur­es have been greater than its revenues. Every year, the county has dipped into its fund balance to make up for the gap. That's not sustainabl­e in the long term, Crosby and the county's other financial advisers have warned, and is likely to have an impact on the county's bond ratings. “I see us kicking the can down the road," said Commission­er Brandon Morrison. This year, the county was also faced with a decrease in expected revenue due to the COVID-19 pandemic. An error in setting the tax rate in 2018 has also been discussed as contributi­ng to the deficit. Billingsle­y said that although the budget was passed, the subject is far from over. "I foresee this body revisiting the budget in three months, six months, nine months, and we'll just have to do our best to raise the revenue we need to and be respectful on our expenses," he said.

Effort to increase property tax fails Recreating a budget, cuts included

they wrangled over numbers with the administra­tion, asking for more details or clarity and expressing frustratio­n with the responses given. Elected officials expressed opposition to the cuts made by both Harris and the commission­ers, some saying they'd have difficulty fulfilling their statutory responsibi­lities or may have to lay off employees. When commission­ers cut more than $4 million from the administra­tion's budget, Harris blasted that as unfair and warned that it would mean cuts to "vital programs" and possibly layoffs. On Monday, commission­ers still had to whittle down the $16 million use of the fund balance in the budget. In the end, they redirected $5 million in funding from the state that had been slated for renovation­s at the new juvenile detention center, cut $1.3 million from the commission's community enhancemen­t grants program and cut $1 million from the Shelby County Division of Correction­s (only $500,000 of the correction­s money went to the fund balance). The cut to the grants program was made with the understand­ing that Harris would direct federal funding related to COVID-19 to be distribute­d by commission­ers to nonprofits with coronaviru­s-related needs. As for the cut to the Division of Correction­s, it will result in the department having to move to 12-hour shifts for employees in correction­s facilities, said Director Anthony Alexander. Commission­ers also decided to use $971,000 (including the other $500,000 from correction­s) to redistribu­te to elected officials who had their department­s cut earlier in the budget process, excluding themselves and the election commission. The money will be reallocate­d based on the percentage of cuts experience­d by each department. At the end of the lengthy meeting, Commission­er Eddie Jones, who chairs the budget committee, thanked the other commission­ers for their work. “We could not have done it without each of you, and this is just another chapter in each of our service as commission­ers," he said. Then Jones added, "I hope that the next chapter is a little less painful than this one was with all of the meetings.” An effort to solve the deficit by raising the property tax by eight cents met with failure late in the meeting, after the budget itself was approved. The amendment, which would have raised the property tax to $4.13 and focused much of the increased revenue on paying down debt, was proposed by Commission­er Reginald Milton. Commission­ers Van Turner, Tami Sawyer and Mickell Lowery joined him to vote in favor of the amendment, while the other nine commission­ers voted against. Milton also had the support of Javier Bailey, chief administra­tor of the Shelby County Assessor's Office, who said an eight cent tax hike would result in most homeowners seeing a $28 annual increase. Commission­ers began recreating the 2021 budget using the 2020 budget as a baseline after rejecting the budget created by County Mayor Lee Harris' administra­tion. Harris' proposed budget would have made cuts of $13.5 million and included a $16.50 increase to the wheel tax. After rejecting that budget, commission­ers went back to the drawing board, making both additions and cuts in numerous meetings over two months. Often,

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