The Commercial Appeal

As divisions threaten America, the pressure to cancel our nation’s presidents is dangerous

- James S. Robbins

Princeton University decided to remove former President Woodrow Wilson’s name from its school of Public and Internatio­nal Affairs, citing his “racist thinking and policies.” Looking solely through the lens of race relations, the case against Wilson is clear. In his 1912 run for the White House, Wilson would warm up the crowds with racial jokes that today would be unprintabl­e.

And while lately expression­s like “systemic racism” and “white supremacy” have been thrown around quite liberally, the Wilson administra­tion provides literal examples of these concepts enacted as government policy. Gazing back across the long century since Wilson was in office shows the progress we have made as a country.

Wilson is not alone in being erased. Monuments to the once sacrosanct George Washington have been vandalized. Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson statues are also under siege, and the venerable Democratic tradition of the Jefferson-jackson dinner has been renamed because neither party founder meets contempora­ry muster.

The first two Republican presidents, Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant, are also facing censure and calls from radicals to have their monuments taken down. The fact that between them, Lincoln and Grant defeated the Confederac­y, ended slavery and enforced the anti-slavery amendments to the Constituti­on seems inconseque­ntial to the woke mob.

It is ironic that statues are the most visible targets of radical ire since they are idealized visions of flawed people. Looking at past presidents, how far do we go in demanding they live up to a statuesque level of perfection?

Franklin D. Roosevelt has been conspicuou­sly unscathed in the recent round of iconoclasm, but his record on race is hardly commendabl­e. The same people who castigated President Donald Trump for allegedly putting immigrant children in cages ought to be incensed over FDR’S internment of 112,000 Japanese during World War II, most of whom were American cit

He also blocked Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany, kept the armed forces segregated, and praised Confederat­e Gen. Robert E. Lee as “one of our greatest American Christians and one of our greatest American gentlemen.”

Any hint of admiration for Lee means automatic cancellati­on these days but in the mid-20th century, it was ordinary and accepted. Dwight D. Eisenhower studied Lee’s campaigns at West Point and hung his portrait in the White House. He told the 1953 convention of the United Daughters of the Confederac­y (UDC) that Lee was a man who could “fight brilliantl­y – for ideals in which he firmly and honestly believed, but still, at the same time, could be a great and nopers, ble character.”

This was considered no more controvers­ial in Ike’s day than when then-sen. Joe Biden in 1993 referred to the UDC as a group of “fine people” who “continue to display the Confederat­e flag as a symbol.”

John Kennedy praised Lee as well as pro-slavery Sen. John C. Calhoun, recently scrubbed from a Yale college, whom Kennedy included in his Pulitzer Prize-winning “Profiles in Courage.” Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts, but even in his day radicals denounced him as a racist and “war criminal.” Comedian Lenny Bruce did a bit about how Johnson’s handlers had to train him to say “Negro” instead of a similar-sounding word that came more naturally to him.

Yet even that kind of smart observatio­nal humor is now off-limits; Brandeis University, which houses the Bruce paizens. buckled to pressure to cancel a play based on Lenny’s acts because student activists charged the material was “overtly racist.” Poor Lenny was too vulgar for the conservati­ve power structure of his era, and too frank for the intolerant left today.

Gerald R. Ford signed a bill restoring Lee’s citizenshi­p in 1975, which had passed with near-unanimous support in both houses, and which Ford said was “an event in which every American can take pride.”

And three years later Jimmy Carter granted the same honor to Confederat­e president Jefferson Davis, with the support of freshman Sen. Biden. At the signing ceremony, Carter said, “our Nation needs to clear away the guilts and enmities and recriminat­ions of the past, to finally set at rest the divisions that threatened to destroy our Nation and to discredit the principles on which it was founded.”

Carter’s words are more meaningful and important today than they were four decades ago. Now new divisions threaten the nation and its principles. The hunt for perfection in our past presidents, ripping their actions and statements from context and history to forge indictment­s based on rarefied contempora­ry standards, is a symptom of our divided times. For Princeton, canceling Wilson made sense. But we remove all the tributes to our imperfect presidents at our peril.

James S. Robbins, a member of USA TODAY’S Board of Contributo­rs and author of “This Time We Win: Revisiting the Tet Offensive,” has taught at the National Defense University and the Marine Corps University and served as a special assistant in the office of the secretary of Defense in the George W. Bush administra­tion.

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