The Commercial Appeal

Test everyone now to help end the COVID pandemic

- Dr. Sudhakar V. Nuti, Samuel R. Turner and Dr. Howard P. Forman

Experts know testing is a cornerston­e of our COVID-19 response. President Donald Trump knows this, too. That’s why everyone he sees in the White House is tested regularly. We can’t beat COVID without testing.

Despite its importance, as a country we consider testing a temporary fix, just a bridge to a treatment or especially a vaccine. We seem prepared to wait months or even years for a vaccine to surface. But there is so much we do not yet know. A potential vaccine could have intolerabl­e side effects, result in only temporary immunity or face low uptake among many Americans. Such great uncertaint­y calls for more reliable, immediate solutions. While hoping for the best, we must prepare for the worst.

What is the path forward? Is there a solution – not a giant leap, but rather a tried and true approach – that could help end the pandemic sooner than we think?

Yes, and the answer is simple: testing. Scalable, cheap and accurate testing. Testing every person in the country quickly and affordably, and again as needed based on risk and exposure, could identify and isolate cases, track spread of the virus and help reduce further transmissi­on.

This isn’t a matter of whether, but when. All signs indicate it’s feasible. Indeed, America’s testing capacity has dramatical­ly improved since the pandemic started. But in order to reach the level of testing needed, we must act quickly and take key steps outlined below.

There is no time to wait for a vaccine. Testing is a more immediate and cost-effective solution than vaccines. Developing and administer­ing a vaccine will be at least a $50 billion investment. Each vaccine, if comparable with other respirator­y diseases, could cost hundreds of dollars.

A $20 test, however, even if given to every American multiple times, would be a fraction of the cost and could be directly paid for by the federal government at less than 1% of the cost of the Coronaviru­s Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act.

Testing is more accessible, too. While vulnerable population­s, such as people experienci­ng homelessne­ss and undocument­ed immigrants, would merit special attention, testing more easily enables equitable access compared with a vaccine that may be prohibitiv­ely expensive and have loopholes to administra­tion. A cheap, easy-to-collect and rapidly scalable test could reach every single person in the country in the near future.

An effective and efficient testing regime requires leadership from the federal government: investment and incentives to drive low-cost testing developmen­t and evaluation, coordinati­on of the supply chain, and confident payment schemes that make this a sustainabl­e propositio­n for providers to participat­e.

We also need funding for state public health department­s, which have been decimated over the past decade.

In the absence of leadership at the federal level, neither vaccinatio­n nor testing programs can achieve their goal of eradicatin­g COVID-19.

Four steps to make testing a reality

Here’s how we can make this happen: h Use saliva testing to collect samples. It’s simpler and more convenient than nasal swabs and facilitate­s an eventual transition to self-collection for at-home testing. A saliva-based collection device is already available commercial­ly for at-home use (with Food and Drug Administra­tion approval), and saliva testing has shown promise in outperform­ing convention­al, nasal-based sampling methods. We need to boost our investment in the rapid developmen­t and scaling of saliva testing.

h Develop pooled testing for scale. Pooled, lab-based polymerase chain reaction testing is another brick in an affordable and scalable road to rapid testing capability. In fact, the federal government is seriously considerin­g it to increase our testing capacity – and while further evaluation is ongoing, all evidence suggests it will be available soon. Employers, universiti­es and health department­s can use pooled testing to test large groups at limited cost. In order for that to happen, we need federal leadership to fund and oversee validation efforts, which must run concurrent to pharmaceut­ical innovation since private markets may otherwise undersuppl­y.

h Ensure vulnerable population­s can be tested and isolated. To address socioecono­mic and racial inequities in testing access, we need communityb­ased testing initiative­s run by trusted community members who rely on neither personal finances nor access to transporta­tion. Examples include mobile vans and pop-up clinics. Isolation must also be possible, or our testing efforts will be futile. Cities have used vacant hotels as isolation sites, and similar innovation­s will be needed moving forward. Continued reforms to broaden telehealth access can also close existing gaps for rural communitie­s.

h Partner with the private sector. The public sector cannot do this work alone. Public-private partnershi­ps, like the Greater Seattle Coronaviru­s Assessment Network and the YALE-NBA partnershi­p, can accelerate test developmen­t and improve access to testing.

Taking the above steps can help us return to normal. Getting students back to school is one example. Universiti­es could test every student over three consecutiv­e days before starting school and then weekly for the rest of the semester. If someone develops symptoms or tests positive, they will isolate. If others were exposed, they could be tested more frequently. Safely reopening schools is one of many scenarios made possible by increased testing.

To be clear, this would complement, not replace, social distancing and mask wearing. Cheap and easy testing would dramatical­ly reduce COVID-19 transmissi­on and deaths, and better prepare us for future such pandemics. Vaccine developmen­t can continue in parallel. Our nation deserves to get back to normal as soon as feasible. We shouldn’t be a gambler at a casino, betting everything on one number. Lives aren’t chips.

Sudhakar V. Nuti is an internal medicine/primary care resident doctor at Massachuse­tts General Hospital in Boston. Samuel R. Turner is a junior at Yale University. Howard P. Forman is a professor of public health and management at Yale.

 ?? VASILY MAXIMOV/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? Medical worker takes a saliva sample at a drive-in COVID-19 testing facility in Moscow, Russia, on May 2.
VASILY MAXIMOV/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES Medical worker takes a saliva sample at a drive-in COVID-19 testing facility in Moscow, Russia, on May 2.

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