The Commercial Appeal

Lewis, a profile in American courage


How ironic that both civil rights icons, Rev. Dr. C. T. Vivian and Congressma­n John Lewis passed on the same day. Our hearts are deeply saddened.

John Robert Lewis was a humble non-violent warrior for justice; a great human spirit that blessed this nation and entire world as one who became deeply committed to “Redeeming the soul of America.”

This giant of a man sacrificially gave of himself, to the very end of his life, fully to the cause of building a better America. Coming to Nashville at a young age as a student at American Baptist College, John Lewis was captured by the dream of a world of fairness and equality, ideals of the beloved community.

Congressma­n Lewis has secured a prominent place in the history of America’s “profiles in courage.”

He never quit, never allowed fear of death to stop him, hate to keep him from loving enemies to reach justice, fighting with every ounce of his humanity against the status quo of American racial injustice.

Beginning in Nashville integratin­g segregated lunch counters, integratin­g interstate travel on the Freedom Rides, marching in the cradle of the Confederac­y for voting rights, his body bloodied; John Lewis never quit, never stop marching pursuing justice.

John Lewis spoke before Martin Luther King Jr. on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial declaring love and non-violence, and he never ceased believing in what America could become.

American Baptist College, his alma mater, along with the entire nation will miss hearing the voice of Congressma­n John Lewis, but his immortal gifts to us will be unceasing for generation­s to come.

Forrest E. Harris Sr. is president of American Baptist College (ABC), a role he has held for 20 years.

 ??  ?? Your Turn Forrest Harris Guest columnist
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