The Commercial Appeal

Response to proposed name change of Poplar Avenue to ‘Black Lives Matter’ Avenue


In the name of political correctnes­s and an excessiven­ess of pandering it seems everyone is jumping on the Black Lives Matter (BLM) bandwagon. They are doing this despite the message from BLM themselves that a Black life matters only if it fits their narrative.

How about for once we take a look at what lives matter?

First off, are you a part of or support BLM? Yes? Good. Good for you. Now say it out loud. “Black Lives Matter.” Did you? Yes? Good. Now stand up and say it loudly and with conviction like your wanting everyone who heard you to know that you believe with all your heart that black lives matter.

If you did, good for you standing up for something you believe in.

Now answer this. What about the white life that is an aircraft mechanic working for Fedex pulling a 100k plus a year? No? Did I hear you mutter “white privilege?” What if I told you that 52 year old started 36 years ago as a poor kid working at the age of 15 sweating in the oilfields of Texas and was never given anything? He’s real, he’s my brother in law who I know will help anyone who will do for themselves.

Or Cops lives? No? Not even the one who sits gasping for breath with his face in his hands crying because he just spent the last four minutes of what he was certain would be the last of his life wrestling with a guy on pcp that had his hand on the cops own gun and all he could think about is what would happen to his wife and kid?

How bout those Italian’s & Polish? You know, the ones who spent their school years hearing racial slurs like “wop”, “dago” or “dumb pollock”? What about the hundred of thousands of black babies aborted by an organizati­on started by a woman who promised to eradicate the black population. Do their lives matter?

You might feel great pride when you stand up and shout black lives matter or voice your support either real or for political reasons. But the people that I just presented to you, along with all the others who believe their life matters as well, when they see you doing that along with the riots, looting & killing of other blacks, all they see is selfish unearned pride. Still believe only black lives matter? Good, for you.

So go ahead and jump on that bandwagon and when the rides over let me know how it went.

Emory Jones, Covington

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