The Commercial Appeal

Hillary and Obama Want Trump Defeated. It’s payback for 2016. David Horowitz says they will fail. Trump has a secret plan . . .


Ever since he first announced his presidenti­al quest — after coming down the escalator of New York’s Trump Tower — the media, the establishm­ent, and his critics in both parties belittled, demeaned, mocked, and even laughed at Donald Trump.

But the billionair­e has had the last laugh and will again in 2020. And, as David Horowitz reveals in his just-released BLITZ: Trump Will Smash the Left and Win, Trump has been — and will continue to be — the Democrats’ worst nightmare.

BLITZ reveals the attacks made against Trump have been the most brutal ever mounted against a sitting president of the United States.

Blinded by deep-seated hatred of his person and his policies, the left even desperatel­y tried to oust Trump in a failed impeachmen­t bid.

Horowitz shows that their very attacks — targeting a man whose mission has been to “Drain the Swamp” and “Make America Great Again” — backfired, turning Trump himself into a near martyr while igniting the fervor of his “base.”

In BLITZ you’ll discover the left’s terrifying socialist agendas as you’ve never seen them before.

Trump’s response? He’s going to steamroll this opposition in November using the same playbook he has used to win before.

In BLITZ you will find shocking revelation­s:

■ The 9 biggest dangers to America the left poses — their agenda will blow your mind.

■ Show me the money: names of the billionair­es and fat cats out to get Trump.

■ Why charter schools may prove to be a decisive issue and why the Democrats fear them.

■ Why the race issue against Trump is wrong: he’s championed financial empowermen­t of minorities.

■ Why Trump is at the nexus of the left’s secularism and hate pushed against Christians.

■ Why every effort to demonize Trump and his supporters is backfiring.

■ Obama’s agenda: how the former president casts a much greater shadow over Trump’s political woes than you ever imagined.

■ Hillary is not gone! BLITZ shows the “revenge” role she plans for Trump.

■ The Genius: Trump’s brilliant strategy has worked and will continue to work — why he’ll be president again in 2021!

The effort to remove and destroy our duly elected president may be the greatest challenge America has faced since the Civil War, explains Horowitz.

For the first time BLITZ exposes the left’s strategy to take down Trump, and how Trump not only beat them at their own game, but how he’s turning the tables on them once and for all.

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