The Commercial Appeal

Courage, sensitivit­y needed for racial reconcilia­tion

- Your Turn

Our country and our city sits at a crossroad. The killing of George Floyd in such a graphic, merciless act of statesanct­ioned violence has scratched the scab off the longinfect­ed wound of racial unrest that has been oozing just under the skin of our society since its inception.

Many activists, politician­s and communitie­s of faith have vowed to confront this persistent infection, and eradicate it, once and for all.

While I believe most are motivated by good intentions, I question our ability to be successful.

Our systems of power and authority have long been concretize­d in our human interrelat­ions and will not be dislodged easily. But it will be our sensitivit­y to the connectedn­ess of all things that will allow us to begin the long, arduous processes of dismantlin­g what has taken over 400 years to build.

It takes action after listening to make impact

Racism and white privilege is often its most insidious when you can’t connect the dots. It is hard to recognize sometimes because its machinatio­ns and iterations are so woven into the fabric of our societal systems that it is normative.

So as a result, deniers of systemic racism and white privilege dismiss complaints and critique, and presses onward under the banner of the status quo.

Many times even the very people most affected by it don’t see it or fully grasps its presence either.

Please, bear with me as I attempt to peel this onion back a bit.

Recently Nashville District Attorney Glenn Funk announced that their office would no longer prosecute marijuana cases of a 1⁄2 ounce or less.

The Tennessean reported Funk saying, “These are people who are not endangerin­g our community, but are saddled with the collateral consequenc­es of a narcotics arrest record. When you combine that with the racial disparitie­s, it becomes clear it needs to end,” Funk said regarding the change.

“Marijuana charges do little to promote public health, and even less to promote public safety,” the DA’S office said in a statement. Statistics show “at least 60% of those arrested each year have been Black. Nashville overallis 63.2% white, according to U.S. Census Bureau data, but only 30.5% of those arrested for possession of marijuana in 2019 were white.that same year, 68% were Black.”

In response to this announceme­nt, Steve Anderson, the recently retired Chief of the Metro Nashville Police Department said “Marijuana possession remains a violation of Tennessee law, and we cannot be in a position of telling our officers to begin ignoring lawful statutes.” This means the police will continue to arrest anyone they want to, even though the DA has said they will not prosecute the case.

To dismantle the systems that perpetuate racism, and by default white privilege, will require great courage, but also a greater level of sensitivit­y.

This will result in some of the charged persons having to post bond, retain a lawyer, take time off from work to come to court, and in many cases defend themselves against additional charges that are added to bolster the case, such as: resisting arrest, evading and trespassin­g. All to be dismissed by the DA.

Harm is being done. We must seek to end it

Because of the increase in COVID-19 cases and the death toll from the pandemic continuing to rise, the city passed a law mandating the “wearing of masks in public” this past Friday.

According to Metro Health Department Board Chair Alex Jahangir, “We must do everything we can as a city to ensure the health and safety of our residents and visitors as we reopen,” Jahangir said. “The data is clear: Wearing a mask helps reduce the spread of this disease.” Residents not wearing a mask can be cited with a Class C misdemeano­r that carries a fine of $50.

The Metro Nashville Police Department issued a statement after the Health Department’s saying, “officers are being provided with printed advisories to give to people they encounter who are not in compliance with the order...officers are instructed to educate and warn citizens about the requiremen­t”.

It is at this point we must be courageous and sensitive and ask ourselves some questions.

Who is harmed more by one and who is given a pass by the other? What group of people are penalized and what group is patronized? Who has consequenc­es for noncomplia­nce and who doesn’t? Who benefits and who is burdened?

Both laws were reasoned and debated with “public health and safety” in mind. You can debate the merits of these two situations all you want, but I’ve been told all my life that a cornerston­e of our democracy is the “rule of law”. But we must ask law for who?

It is small, seemingly insignificant and unrelated occurrence­s like these that occur daily, and not only in the criminal justice system that are emblematic of racism and white privilege.

Even some who see the correlatio­n will rush to say that this was not the intent, as a way of negating the racial implicatio­ns. While the intent of such a duplicitou­s applicatio­n of the law is debatable, the Impact is not.

The intent may not be racist, but the Impact sure is.

If this resonates with you, maybe we have a chance, if not the scab will form again, but the infection will remain.

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