The Commercial Appeal


Sexism, racism aren’t ways to win election

- Lynn Norment

When it was announced that Senator Kamala Harris would be presidenti­al candidate Joe Biden’s running mate, it was a historic moment. She is the first woman of color to be candidate for vice president of the United States of America.

The disrespect, misogynism and racism that followed also may have set a record.

President Donald Trump immediatel­y repeated the notion that Harris, who was born in Oakland, California, was not “eligible” for the office of vice president or president because her parents were immigrants. (Her mother was from India, her father from Jamaica.) Constituti­onal scholars and experts immediatel­y called his words false and irresponsi­ble – and affirmed that anyone born on American soil is a natural born citizen.

It seems Trump was referencin­g a column in Newsweek by a conservati­ve lawyer who incorrectl­y argues that the U.S. Constituti­on does not grant citizenshi­p to everyone born in the country. The column quickly spread on social media.

After Trump’s comments, his followers started posting racist memes and conspiraci­es, including that Harris was an “anchor baby,” a disparagin­g term for children born in the U.S. to immigrants.

The attacks on Harris only got worse. Trump called her “nasty,” “angry,” “phony,” and a “mad woman.” He previously has called female opponents and other women he dislikes “nasty.” To mock his favorite adjective for females, women now triumphant­ly declare “I am a nasty woman!”

Sexist, misogynist­ic attacks ensue despite accomplish­ments

It’s not surprising that son Eric Trump “liked” a tweet that referred to Harris as a “whorendous pick.” (The tweet has since been deleted.) Sexist, misogynist slings like that one have been intense. A National Basketball Associatio­n contract photograph­er shared on Facebook a very offensive meme that read “Joe and the Hoe.” Basketball Hall of Famer and gold medalist Sheryl Swoopes responded that the meme is “so disrespect­ful,” the photograph­er “needs to GO!!!” and “shame on You!!!” He was fired – and then issued an apology saying he “deeply” regrets the post.

Just as disgusting were t-shirts sold on Amazon emblazoned with the same disgracefu­l meme. After negative backlash, it appears the t-shirts were taken off the site.

No doubt, these will not be the last of such sexist, racist, boorish behavior before the campaign concludes in November. This kind of onslaught has followed women throughout history.

Despite women’s accomplish­ments, education and admirable character, those with little or no character insist on reducing women to sexual objects. Unfortunat­ely, there are people from all walks of life in this country who deem it their privilege to belittle and insult women, especially powerful women, minority women, intelligen­t women, strong women.

Recall how Ted Yoho treated AOC in Congress

An example of this mentality played out after U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasiocort­ez of New York aggressive­ly was confronted on the Capitol steps by Rep. Ted Yoho of Florida. He disagreed with her on an issue discussed in Congress, and reportedly told her she was “disgusting” and “out of your freaking mind.” As he walked away from Ocasiocort­ez, a journalist heard Yoho use two expletives to describe her.

I was outraged. So was Ocasio-cortez, a member of Congress, among the highest levels that an elected official can serve. “That kind of confrontat­ion hasn’t ever happened to me – ever,” she said. “I’ve never had that kind of abrupt, disgusting kind of disrespect levied at me.”

Like Senator Kamala Harris, Ocasiocort­ez deserves respect, regardless of whether you agree with them. They both have earned it.

After Yoho’s comments were published in the media, he stood in Congress and denied that he called Ocasiocort­ez that disgusting yet familiar moniker while also apologizin­g for the way he confronted her.

Ocasio-cortez is among the record number of women leaders who were elected to the House in 2018 and, like other women in Congress and in other powerful positions, she is disliked, dismissed and disrespect­ed by some male peers.

Other colleagues in Congress support her, for they know well the challenges she and other women on the Hill face each day. Surrounded by Democratic colleagues, Ocasio-cortez excoriated Yoho during passionate remarks on the House floor. She called out the sexist culture in Congress and Yoho’s sexist slur as part of a pattern of inexcusabl­e behavior by men.

Throughout her career, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been confronted with condescend­ing remarks by male counterpar­ts. These days, the president often refers to her as “Crazy Nancy.” Is that because she is well-prepared and well-spoken? Is she derided because she is assertive and unafraid? Or maybe because he is threatened by successful, powerful women who stand their ground?

Yes, even today, strong, ambitious women are viewed as flawed and unlikeable, while men with the same traits are seen as positive, well … as strong and ambitious. Men who bully are quick to call women who challenge them crazy, nasty and angry.

Harris can — and will — handle it

This all harks back to the terrible, sexist treatment of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by the media and others when she ran for president in 2016. Her voice was described as “shrill” and her laugh as a “cackle” and “witchlike.” Her marriage was dissected and her stamina questioned.

Hillary Clinton knows well how degrading the insults and disrespect can be. During her address at the Democratic National Convention last week, she said: “I know a thing or two about the slings and arrows coming her way. Kamala can handle them all.”

Harris can and will handle it all.

She is known to be tough, well-prepared and persistent when it comes dealing with issues in the Senate and asking intense questions during hearings.

Yes, she can wield elbows quite well. In fact, these insults may not bother her as much as they bother me and some other women, but there is no doubt that she can handle it.

But why should she have to? Why should she and other accomplish­ed women – why should any woman – have to endure the vicious name-calling, insults and lies?

We as human beings can do better. We must.

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 ?? CAROLYN KASTER/AP ?? Democratic presidenti­al candidate Joe Biden and running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris, D-calif., pass each other as Harris moves to the podium during an event in Greenville, Del., on Aug. 12.
CAROLYN KASTER/AP Democratic presidenti­al candidate Joe Biden and running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris, D-calif., pass each other as Harris moves to the podium during an event in Greenville, Del., on Aug. 12.

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