The Commercial Appeal

Lists can work wonders for focus


Dear Harriette: I have a lot of things going on in my personal life trying to balance my business, my stepsons, work and school. I work every other weekend, getting up early to do stepmom duties and then having to open a shop. I keep my stepsons with me most of the time and have to home-school them. I try to keep them active and learning by having them help me with chores.

I just opened this new beauty shop, so a lot of my time goes into promotion and trying to get new customers in the store. Sometimes I feel like it can be difficult, but I look at others and say if they can do it with more than what I’m juggling, then I know I can. What are some tips you can give to keep focused when having a lot on my plate? — Full Plate

Dear Full Plate: Busy people are often the ones who can manage multiple responsibi­lities. Get organized so that you can stay focused. Make a list every evening of all of the tasks you must accomplish the next day. Write them out in categories that include all aspects of your life — stepsons, home, the shop, your health and whatever else is important. Under each category, list bite-sized tasks that need to be completed with deadlines when applicable. Then, on the next day, execute your list. This should keep you streamline­d and aware of what you have to do and whether you did it or not. Remember to include your health. This is key to being able to complete all of the other tasks.

Send questions to askharriet­te@harriettec­ or c/o Universal Uclick, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.

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