The Commercial Appeal

New aid campaign planned for city’s service industry

- Micaela A Watts

In the first Memphis-shelby County COVID-19 task force briefing since the new health directive was announced, health officials sought to relay context around COVID-19 fatalities, announced relief efforts for service industry employees, and defended their decision to enact the next health directive after the Christmas holiday.

After running through an update on COVID-19 data points, Shelby County Health Department Director Alisa Haushalter reminded listeners of how critical the next steps are from both health systems and individual­s in Shelby County. The rate of infections and associated fatalities in Shelby County, Haushalter said, are very much on the line.

“We know we’re in a surge, but we’re not at the top of the surge,” Haushalter said, before stating the importance of individual and organizati­onal actions in an effort to “blunt” the curve of COVID-19.

When asked about the health department’s decision to enact the next health directive one day after Christmas Day, Haushalter noted the health department typically issues health directives with two to three days notice, in order to give affected business owners time to plan.

‘Pay it Forward’ indicates some help is on the way for servers

The CEO and president of Regional One Health, Dr. Reginald Coopwood appeared in the task force briefing alongside his wife Erica Stiff-coopwood to announce additional relief for a group of employees that have received little to no federal support for their industry during the pandemic: restaurant owners and servers.

Coopwood expressed empathy for the decisions that task force leaders make as they attempt to balance public health with economic consequenc­es, but he also acknowledg­ed that mitigation efforts have come at a cost for restaurant workers.

“I said to my wife, ‘Erica the health department is trying to do the right thing for this community, but it’s going to have an impact on businesses and people who work in those businesses,’” Coopwood said.

To that end, Coopwood announced the creation of the “Pay it Forward Campaign”, a relief fund establishe­d with the help of The Community Foundation of Greater Memphis.

The campaign will run from now until the end of January, and contributi­ons to the Mid-south COVID-19 Regional Response Fund will go directly towards agencies working to distribute funds to service industry employees, such as the Metropolit­an Inter-faith Associatio­n, or MIFA.

Erica Coopwood expressed optimism that Memphis’ tradition of generosity would come through.

“We are strong, and we are Memphis strong, and we don’t have to wait on the fickleness of whoever to help our workers out,” she said.

To donate to the Pay It Forward Campaign, visit www.payitforwa­

1,000 additional COVID-19 deaths possible

While data on all causes of death are being tabulated by the West Tennessee Forensic Center, infectious disease doctor and task force member Dr. Manoj Jain confirmed COVID-19 complicati­ons are now among the leading causes of death for Shelby Countians.

Jain, who presented updated fatality projection­s to the Memphis City Council on Tuesday, warned of an additional 1,000 deaths between now and Valentine’s Day — should the pandemic continue without considerab­le mitigation efforts.

Currently, he said, the county is experienci­ng 12 to 15 COVID-19 fatalities per day, “easily.”

To calculate projection­s, Jain and Dr. Fridtjof Thomas, a biostatist­ician at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, calculated three scenarios for the area — worst-case scenario, the same rate, and best-case scenario.

The projection­s were calculated by looking at similar data points at other parts of the country. North Dakota, where cases soared throughout November, was used as an example of a worstcase scenario.

Jain indicated Shelby County was very much on the path similar to the upper midwestern state. Should substantia­l mitigation efforts not be deployed at the individual level and at an organizati­onal level, the county could see more than 74,000 new cases of COVID-19 and nearly 1,000 COVID-19 fatalities by Feb. 14

“If we take aggressive measures now, we can make an impact,” Jain said.

Should the region double-down on mitigation efforts, Jain said, a best case scenario is possible — on in which only seven Shelby Countians die every day from COVID-19, as opposed to 15 or 16.

Micaela A. Watts covers breaking news for The Commercial Appeal. You can reach her at micaela.watts@commercial­

 ?? JOE RONDONE/MEMPHIS COMMERCIAL APPEAL ?? People gather to protest the looming threat of restaurant closures from a new Safer-at-home directive downtown on Monday.
JOE RONDONE/MEMPHIS COMMERCIAL APPEAL People gather to protest the looming threat of restaurant closures from a new Safer-at-home directive downtown on Monday.

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