The Commercial Appeal

Nashville bombing site leaves clues to explosives

- Brinley Hineman and Mariah Timms Reach Brinley Hineman at bhineman@ and on Twitter @brinleyhin­e man. Reach Mariah Timms at mtimms@tennessean .com or 615-259-8344 and on Twitter @Mariah Timms.

Authoritie­s have released no details about the type of explosive used in the Christmas day bombing in Nashville, and experts compared the investigat­ive process to finding a “needle in a haystack.”

Police said Anthony Quinn Warner, 63, parked an RV with explosives Christmas morning on Second Avenue near an AT&T telecommun­ications hub. The bomb exploded about 6:30 a.m. Dec. 25 and caused massive destructio­n to more than 40 buildings in downtown Nashville and paralyzed mobile and internet systems in five states.

Authoritie­s are combing the rubble and debris left behind, looking for clues including vehicle and bomb parts to piece together the type of explosives the bomber used.

But in a sprawling crime scene, it takes time.

Adam Hall, a biomedical forensic science professor at Boston University and former investigat­or with the Massachuse­tts State Police’s arsons and explosives unit, said finding evidence is an exhaustive process.

“To draw an analogy, everyone has heard of the proverbial needle in a haystack. In this situation, the needle is the detonator or the explosive debris, or it’s pieces of the explosive device,” Hall said. “The haystack is essentiall­y four or more city blocks and burnt debris

and rubble and metal and stone and everything in between.”

When authoritie­s identify an item of interest, they likely are taking it to another location to examine rather than doing at the bomb site, experts said.

“I don’t want to say these bombs are routine, but for bomb squads, this is what they’re used to, this process is routine for them,” said Shawn Ryan, former U.S. Navy SEAL and CIA consultant with experience in surviving and investigat­ing car bombings. Ryan now runs Vigilance Elite, an online tactical training and apparel company based in Franklin.

Hall explained there are two classes of explosives: low and high.

Low explosives are propellant­s that would be used in handgun or rifle ammunition, known as smokeless powder. High explosives typically are used for mining or demolition work, but not available easily available for purchase by the public.

“To me the widespread nature of the debris, just

seeing the videos and hearing the sound of the explosion itself, it lends itself to being a high explosive,” he said.

Ryan said the lack of a clear direction from the blast may indicate the materials were homegrown explosives.

“It was parked in front of the AT&T building. If it was military-grade or high-order explosives and that was the target, it would have been primed from one side, going towards the intended building,” he said.

Chemical testing at the blast site will help investigat­ors determine what exactly the bomber used. Finding that chemical residue could prove to be a challenge, but is likely on portions of the vehicle or nearby buildings, Hall said.

“Sometimes, you can even smell it,” Ryan said.

Most of the valuable evidence will come from the specific explosion location, which is where the RV was sitting on Second Avenue, Hall said.

But that doesn’t mean evidence won’t be discovered blocks away. Hall said in the Boston Marathon bombing, one of the tops of the explosive was discovered on the roof of a tall building.

It’s impossible to guess at how big the bomb was, Hall said, because it depends on the type of explosive. One pound of high explosive could achieve the same result as 100 pounds of low explosive.

“It’s hard to say if the RV was completely packed or if it contained a smaller amount of very powerful high explosive,” he said.

Ryan agreed. He said he thinks the bomber possibly used 200 pounds of low explosives in the RV based on videos and photos of the damage around the blast site.

Investigat­ors also likely will discover important evidence inside the suspect’s residence, which federal authoritie­s have searched.

“You get a glimpse at, how did this person live,” Hall said. “In addition to any bomb-making materials, they’ll be confiscating electronic devices, (seeing) what internet sites he was visiting, things of that nature.

“People want to know, did he have the ability to do something much greater than this?”

Hall said it took time and practice to build the bomb.

“He didn’t have a lot going on in his life. He wasn’t raising young children,” Hall said. “He wasn’t working 60 to 80 hours a week. It seems like he had a lot of time on his hands, and when there’s a will there’s a way. In terms of procuring what he would need to build this, that could’ve occurred over the course of weeks, or months, or who knows.”

Experience with alarms is interestin­g, expert says

Warner, a computer expert and former owner of an alarm company, likely had knowledge of electronic­s, Hall said.

“There are people who just mess around with things. Sometimes those hobbies are healthy and productive and sometimes they’re not,” he said.

“If he was able to wire alarm systems, he would be more than capable of creating a transmitte­r receiver.”

Hall speculated Warner most likely learned his skills from one of three places: the internet, a military bomb-making manual or prior law enforcemen­t or military experience.

“The scary thing in a way, most of the components that would go into fabricatin­g an explosive device all have legitimate uses to them … but when combined in the right amounts, with the knowledge of how to do it, that’s when it becomes destructiv­e,” Hall said.

 ?? ANDREW NELLES/THE TENNESSEAN ?? Damage from the Christmas Day bombing is seen along Second Avenue North in downtown Nashville, Tenn., on Dec. 31.
ANDREW NELLES/THE TENNESSEAN Damage from the Christmas Day bombing is seen along Second Avenue North in downtown Nashville, Tenn., on Dec. 31.

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