The Commercial Appeal

After violent riot at US Capitol, leaders must now honor American traditions

- Keith Allred

On Nov. 1 in The Tennessean, I expressed how crucial it is to the ongoing American experiment that the losing candidate and their supporters honor the voting results.

Threats to the proud American tradition of the peaceful conclusion of elections were already gathering on the horizon, regardless of who won.

The increased polarizati­on of our times and the divisive campaign made it clear that if their candidate lost, either side would find it difficult to accept that outcome. The pandemic and foreign adversarie­s’ concerted efforts exerted pressures on the states’ voting systems that created concerns on each side about the security of our election.

The election is now over. As prescribed by the Constituti­on and federal statute, Congress has counted the certified electoral votes sent to it by each state and confirmed that Joe Biden has been elected president and Kamala Harris vice president. Thankfully, many patriotic local, state, and federal officials from both parties have met the storm that did indeed come with integrity and fidelity to their oaths.

Americans will shake their heads at the events of Jan. 6

We should all be particular­ly grateful to the hundreds of Republican officials and Republican-appointed judges. It took extra courage for them to put the republic before partisan interests despite extraordin­ary pressures to do otherwise.

However, the faithful discharge of their duty by the many has been overshadow­ed by the violations of sacred American traditions by a few at horrifying, historic levels.

Future generation­s of Americans will shake their heads at the aftermath of the 2020 election. Setting himself starkly apart from every one of his 44 predecesso­rs, the president of the United States encouraged supporters to go to the Capitol and “show strength.”

On their march from the rally convened by the president, citizens exercising their sacred rights in our republic to protest and dissent transforme­d into a lawless mob. Committing violence against police they claim to support, they laid siege to the Capitol in an effort to prevent Congress from completing its constituti­onally prescribed process.

President Trump departed even more consequent­ly from 230 years of presidenti­al leadership by staying silent for hours as the violence escalated on screens being watched across the globe. Even when he did finally call for peace, he praised the rioters as special people.

The insurrecti­on and President Trump’s rejection of the best of American tradition failed at multiple levels.

The rioters were unsuccessf­ul in preventing the count of the states’ certified results. In the process, they powerfully reminded us why we embrace evidence and the rule of law over violence for the resolution of our disputes. One of the most important reasons is totally practical. It simply doesn’t work.

Rather than advancing, President Trump and the mob set back their own objectives. They horrified and alienated many with whom they had had common cause. Senior administra­tion officials who have been loyal to President Trump, including Vice President Pence, distanced themselves.

Senior Republican Members of Congress who have also been loyal supporters of the president, including Senate Majority Leader Mcconnell, repudiated the effort to overturn the election through riot.

Everyday Americans were repulsed by the chaos

If President Trump sent muted and mixed messages, many Members of Congress displayed the most impressive leadership of their careers by denouncing the failed coup in stirring and passionate terms.

Members of Congress who had been planning to join the protests of Arizona’s and Pennsylvan­ia’s electoral votes thought better of it. The total number of states that senators were willing to protest dwindled by two-thirds.

Many everyday Americans who voted for Trump were repulsed. And those already opposed to him were fueled by the Trump’s excesses and the insurrecti­on to new levels of opposition. If the election were held again, the president would likely lose by much more than seven million votes. As Vice President Pence said to re-open the temporaril­y delayed process, “violence never wins.”

Our shared horror at the coup attempt on January 6 poses a question to each of us: will we each step up to do our part to get to a better place? Frightened and sickened, we could turn away and ignore our divisions. Instead, we should each demonstrat­e in word and deed a renewed and active commitment to American selfgovern­ment.

What are the duties of citizens now?

There are crucial roles to be played by leaders and citizens.

President-elect Biden has a solemn responsibi­lity to lead our efforts to come together as he has pledged to do. Senators facing a 50/50 split and Representa­tives facing one of the most closely divide Houses in history should focus on measures wise enough to attract bipartisan support.

By approachin­g Inaugurati­on Day and beyond in peace, we as citizens can do our part to extend the longest record the world has ever known for abiding by the voice of the people.

By treating each other with dignity and respect, Trump and Biden voters alike can honor the best traditions that we share as Americans.

Taking these steps, we can each play our part in passing onto our children a republic that continues as a shining example of government by the people. We owe that to ourselves and to them.

Keith Allred is the executive director for the National Institute for Civil Discourse and president of Common Sense

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