The Commercial Appeal

Vaccine registrati­on on internet leaves callers out

Experts: County’s recent failure raises issues of equity, access

- Wendi C. Thomas and Hannah Grabenstei­n MLK50: Justice Through Journalism

This article was produced in partnershi­p with MLK50: Justice Through Journalism, which is a member of the Propublica Local Reporting Network.

Jan. 8’s email had good news: The state of Tennessee confirmed it would send the Shelby County Health Department an allotment of the vaccine each week in January. Eligible residents, including a range of health care workers and people 75 and older, could schedule an appointmen­t online starting immediatel­y, the SCHD said.

But those who needed to register by phone would have to wait 2 1/2 days, until the morning of Jan. 11, to call a designated number.

Three hours after the SCHD’S email was sent to media and community partners, residents had already snapped up more than 40% of the 10,800 appointmen­ts available, according to a review of the online registrati­on site by MLK50: Justice Through Journalism and Propublica. By 1 p.m. Jan. 9, fewer than 70 appointmen­ts remained. And late afternoon on Jan. 9, the SCHD sent

another email: There were no appointmen­ts left.

SCHD Director Dr. Alisa Haushalter said the department was surprised by how quickly appointmen­ts were claimed, but health equity experts say the SCHD should have anticipate­d the response. She said the department was planning changes to the system going forward.

SCHD’S decision to give early access to internet users — and its failure to set aside any appointmen­ts for callers — raises issues of equity and access, those experts said. By creating a two-tiered system, the SCHD risks disadvanta­ging Black residents, which research shows are less likely to have broadband access and who have been disproport­ionately affected by the virus; it also would impact access by the elderly, who are less likely than other Americans to use the internet at all.

As glitchy vaccine rollouts occur across the country, issues of who gets access matter a lot. The flubbed effort in Shelby County provides a look at what can go wrong when an overtaxed public health department, hamstrung by the state’s last-minute announceme­nts about vaccine availabili­ty, is caught without an outreach strategy that centers on the most vulnerable residents.

“Anybody who has done anything in disparitie­s in Memphis knows that computer access is a major issue,” said Carla Baker, a longtime nurse and chief operating officer for Common Table Health Alliance, a nonprofit health care collaborat­ive serving Memphis and the region. “If you had 200 appointmen­ts, you should have set 50 aside for phone calls.”

In Shelby County, where the population is 54% Black, internet use and computer access vary broadly by ZIP code. Shelby County’s poorest ZIP code, 38126 in South Memphis, has a poverty rate over 65%, and 96% of residents are Black. Just over 70% of residents there have no internet access, according to census data.

Among the ZIP codes where the COVID-19 case rate per 100,000 residents is the highest, internet access varies wildly, with between 6% and 36% of households having no internet access, according to census data. Yet the SCHD’S communicat­ion strategy has been primarily digital, such as emails, press releases and social media posts.

In an interview Jan. 12, Haushalter said that because the state didn’t notify her agency until Jan. 8 that additional doses were on their way, the department didn’t have time to develop a grassroots communicat­ion strategy that would have, for example, partnered with radio stations with a high share of Black listeners in order to reach people without internet access.

That explanatio­n didn’t fly with Dr. Gary Puckrein, president and CEO of the National Minority Quality Forum, a nonprofit research and education organizati­on focused on eliminatin­g health disparitie­s.

“Clearly there was time not only to notify people, but to construct a wellthough­t-out plan,” he said.

Haushalter noted that while some other communitie­s only have online sign-up available, Shelby County has a phone line too. The existence of a phone line proved irrelevant as all appointmen­ts had been claimed online by the time the registrati­on phone line opened.

“That’s not how the game is supposed to be played,” Puckrein said. These kind of missteps can erode the public’s trust — particular­ly the trust of Black residents who have good reason to be leery of medical institutio­ns and public health campaigns given the country’s racist medical past, including the Tuskegee syphilis study. Surveys show that Black people are more hesitant to get the vaccine than white and Latino people.

As it happens, there were some who were able to make appointmen­ts by phone Jan. 9 by calling other SCHD phone numbers and reaching employees working on the weekend. Those workers made online appointmen­ts for callers, although Haushalter said she didn’t know how many appointmen­ts were made this way.

Issues with distributi­on and access aren’t unique to Shelby County. After Tennessee’s Hamilton County officials turned away waiting seniors in a long car line, officials realized they had more doses than expected, causing them to scramble to find people before the vaccine expired. In Daytona Beach, Florida, some seniors waited in line overnight to get a vaccine. In New York City, one online vaccinatio­n sign-up asked users to complete as many as 51 questions or fields and upload an insurance card, according to the city’s comptrolle­r.

Changes underway

As of Jan. 15, COVID-19 has claimed just over 1,100 lives in Shelby County, according to the SCHD. Black residents are slightly overrepres­ented in the share of COVID-19 deaths, according to the most recent SCHD data, comprising about 58%, though they make up 54% of the county’s population. People 75 and older make up the largest share of deaths in Shelby County.

In a press conference Jan. 14, Haushalter said it’s too soon to determine whether there’s a racial disparity in vaccinatio­ns because the pool of people is still limited mostly to health care workers and first responders, groups for which the county doesn’t have racial data.

The state’s vaccinatio­n plan does acknowledg­e that “equity remains a crosscutti­ng considerat­ion” in vaccine distributi­on, and it notes that some “higher risk” counties, including Shelby, are “disadvanta­ged and slower to recover from adversity.” Some states’ vaccinatio­ns plans, such as North Carolina’s, include specific outreach strategies to the Black community. Tennessee’s plan does not include the words “Black” or “African American.”

But while the state doles out doses to counties and dictates the priority groups and the order in which those groups are eligible for vaccinatio­n, it doesn’t implement the rollout on the ground. It is the SCHD that decides the location of the vaccinatio­n sites and how it spreads the word. And while the state’s plan is publicly available, the county’s vaccinatio­n plan is not online, a SCHD spokespers­on confirmed.

The SCHD is reviewing what worked well and how it can improve, Haushalter said, and changes are on the way as the incoming Biden administra­tion has committed to releasing almost all available doses immediatel­y.

The phone line and online registrati­on system will open simultaneo­usly, she said, and they’re developing a preregistr­ation system. Contingent on a predictabl­e supply and more staffing, the SCHD plans to add vaccinatio­n sites this month. And at some point, the department may have walk-up vaccinatio­n sites, no appointmen­t required.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Tennessee has administer­ed about 40% of its vaccine supply. Based on the 55% of people who indicated their race, less than 4% of the vaccine supply has gone to Black Tennessean­s, although Black residents make up about 17% of the state’s population. The incomplete data makes it difficult to determine if distributi­on has been equitable.

State Health Department data shows that as of Jan. 11, Shelby County had given at least one dose to just under 2% of the population, the second-lowest percentage among Tennessee counties.

The impact of unequal access is evident in Shelby County in other ways too. Regional One Health, a large Memphisare­a health care system, emailed hospital volunteers — including the wife of the hospital’s CEO — inviting them to be vaccinated to avoid wasting doses.

At a county-run vaccinatio­n site in late December, which was only vaccinatin­g health care workers and first responders at the time, elderly people — who said they were told they could get vaccinated — waited in line for hours only to be told they were ineligible, although some got the vaccine anyway.

A SCHD spokespers­on acknowledg­ed that county staffers “did vaccinate some people out of phase who were in line at the vaccinatio­n site,” but shifted responsibi­lity to residents.

“We ask that people honor the priorities also detailed in the state plan. We ask the public to help us achieve our goal of protecting the most vulnerable persons first by waiting their turn.”

But the problem of people accessing vaccines too soon matters less than those who access them too late — or not at all. And experts such as Bhaskar Chakravort­i, dean of global business at The Fletcher School at Tufts University, worry that’s what will happen without a clear communicat­ion plan that addresses the county’s digital divide.

“Unfortunat­ely, all of this is highly dependent on the creativity and commitment of local officials,” said Chakravort­i.

Dr. Bon Ku, a Philadelph­ia ER doctor and director of the Health Design Lab, which promotes inclusive design in health care, suggested that ensuring equitable access to the vaccine requires efforts that rival Georgia organizers’ getout-the-vote campaign. Door knocking, flyering, mailers, an onslaught of text messages and even robocalls should be deployed.

It will be important, Ku said, for health department­s to build deep relationsh­ips with groups that already have the trust of vulnerable communitie­s.

Asked if the SCHD was partnering with Meals on Wheels, whose volunteers have regular contact with elderly residents, Haushalter said the department hadn’t, but it was a “great idea.”

“If you have suggestion­s or others have suggestion­s on how to more effectively get the message out, particular­ly when things are changing so quickly, we are always open to that.”

 ?? JOE RONDONE/THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL ?? The Shelby County Health Department begins vaccinatin­g priority groups by appointmen­t at the Pipkin Building on Jan. 12.
JOE RONDONE/THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL The Shelby County Health Department begins vaccinatin­g priority groups by appointmen­t at the Pipkin Building on Jan. 12.

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