The Commercial Appeal

Mixed grain bowl packed with goodness

- Gretchen Mckay

Did you overindulg­e over the holidays? Me, too. Which is why like so many others whose pants are just a little too tight, I have have vowed to eat a little more mindfully in this new year.

I’m in pretty good company. The justreleas­ed Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025, published jointly by the U.S. Department of Agricultur­e and Health and Human Services every five years, recommends a daily diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables, along with lean meats and whole grains. It also limits foods and beverages that are higher in added sugars, saturated fat and sodium and advises drinking less alcohol.

The bottom line of the 164-page report is that every bite (and sip) should count if you want to stay healthy and ward off chronic diseases.

To that end, I’m starting 2021 with an easy-to-make dish that’s visually appealing and packed with nutrition. It’s a grain bowl made up of a hearty and nourishing blend of cooked whole grains, low-fat feta cheese, hearthealt­hy avocado and a zesty lemon yogurt sauce. It’s finished with a handful of antioxidan­t-rich broccoli microgreen­s.

I used a bagged “ancient grain” medley that includes amaranth, buckwheat and sprouted quinoa. But any wholegrain or combinatio­n of them will taste great – options include barley, brown or wild rice, bulgar, sorghum or even millet if you want to try something new.

If you make the grains a day or so ahead of time, the bowl will take just minutes to whip together. So too with the yogurt sauce, which can be kept in an airtight container in the fridge for up to three days; stir before using.

The grains can be served warm, at room temperatur­e or even cold out of the fridge, although the cashews won’t be as crunchy once the bowl has been chilled.

 ?? GRETCHEN MCKAY/POST-GAZETTE ?? Garnished with avocado and broccoli microgreen­s, this “ancient” grain bowl is a snap to compose and makes a nutritious breakfast, lunch or dinner.
GRETCHEN MCKAY/POST-GAZETTE Garnished with avocado and broccoli microgreen­s, this “ancient” grain bowl is a snap to compose and makes a nutritious breakfast, lunch or dinner.

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