The Commercial Appeal

Make a plan to get your money resolution­s back on track

- Lauren Schwahn Nerdwallet

We’re three months into 2021. Let’s check on those financial New Year’s resolution­s. (Remember those?) Quite possibly, they’ve already gone awry.

Maybe you planned to build a $1,000 emergency fund, but the balance is still zero. Or perhaps you swore off takeout, yet you’re scraping the last bite of chow mein from a paper container as you read this.

Don’t beat yourself up. You don’t have to give up on your goal because of a setback.

“There’s nothing magical about New Year’s, and you don’t have to wait until 2022 to try again,” says Amy Hubble, a certified financial planner and founder of Radix Financial LLC in Oklahoma City.

Step back and examine why you couldn’t stick to your resolution in the first place. Possible culprits: The goal was vague, too ambitious or lacked a plan. For example, say your resolution was to save money. That didn’t address how much to save, how to save it and so on. A more effective resolution might have been to put $100 from each paycheck into a savings account.

Hubble recommends using the “SMART” goals framework to set resolution­s. That stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely, she says. Was your goal missing any of these elements? If so, there’s a good chance you can salvage it by restarting with this approach.

But sometimes resolution­s are beyond rescuing. If your financial situation has changed since you set it – say you lost your job or unexpected­ly faced a major home repair – it’s perfectly acceptable to tweak it or walk away.

“Financial planning is a process, not an event,” says Trent Porter, a certified financial planner , life coach and founder of Priority Financial Partners in Durango, Colorado. “Life’s going to change, and your goals and how you get there are going to need to adapt.”

Ready to give your resolution another go? Ask yourself why you’ve chosen this goal and what exactly you hope to accomplish.

“Maybe it’s less stress on your marriage or partnershi­p, maybe it’s the ability to go on vacation once the world opens up again, and maybe it’s the ability to retire one year earlier,” Hubble says.

Having a personal reason in mind can inspire you to see it through.

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