The Commercial Appeal

Mothers speak at rally about police brutality

- Brook Endale

CINCINNATI – Three mothers who said they lost their sons at the hands of police in Cincinnati endured the rain over the weekend to speak at a rally and plead for help in holding the officers involved accountabl­e. A group of about 40 individual­s attended the Saturday rally in Roselawn and listened as the mothers spoke about the heartache they’ve endured from the loss of their sons.

The Anti-police Brutality Coalition sponsored the demonstrat­ion, saying the focus needs to be on helping these families that have been impacted by police brutality and the need to reopen their cases.

Anternitia O’neal’s son, Dontez O’neal, was shot and killed by Cincinnati Police Department Officer Orlando Smith in 2012. O’neal spoke about how she’s been fighting for the past nine years to hold the officer accountabl­e.

O’neal discounts the official report regarding her son’s death, saying witnesses give a different account of what happened from what Smith claimed.

“We can still get the criminal case open and I need someone to help me get it reopened. The civil case, I don’t care about that. I don’t care about the money; my son’s life is worth much more than that. This is about getting justice,” O’neal said.

She said it was encouragin­g seeing the guilty verdict in the Derek Chauvin trial, but O’neal wants that same justice for her son and other families impacted by police brutality. The impact of what happened that night to her son follows her to this day. A mother’s suffering and grief are forever, O’neal said.

“But I want to turn my pain into power. It takes a toll on you but we have to keep fighting,” O’neal said

Robin Scott is the mother of Melvin Murray Jr. who died in 2016 when he slammed into a tree following a police chase. Scott said the full details of what happened leading up to her son’s death weren’t revealed to her after the crash.

She had to fight to get informatio­n like the dashcam video that showed the officers insulting her son at the scene and delaying getting him treatment, Scott said. She added that since her son’s death, she’s been suffering from depression, and continuing to fight for justice gets hard.

Scott pulled out the picture of her son she keeps with her at all times during the rally and showed it to the crowd.

“It took everything for me to come out here today. I cried all night. This hurts. It hurts when you can’t hug your child. When you can’t talk to your child. I couldn’t get out of the bed but I had to because I was thinking about my child,” Scott said.

To keep seeing cases of other children getting killed by police also hurts, Scott said. It’s why she’s going to keep fighting for change.

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