The Commercial Appeal

Pope spending a few more days in hospital

- Nicole Winfield

ROME – Pope Francis will spend a few more days in the hospital following his July 4 intestinal surgery to “optimize” recovery and rehabilita­tion treatment and therapy, the Vatican said Monday.

The Vatican had originally said Francis could be released from Rome’s Gemelli Polyclinic by the end of last week. In its latest update Monday, the Vatican said he had completed his post-operative treatment but “would remain a few more days to optimize medical and rehabilita­tion therapy.”

Surgeons removed half of Francis’ colon on July 4 for what doctors said was a severe narrowing of the large intestine.

The 84-year-old appeared for the first time in public since the surgery on Sunday, looking in good form as he delivered his weekly prayer from the 10th floor hospital balcony. He used the occasion to call for free health care for all people.

Francis scheduled the surgery for July, when he typically suspends all public and private audiences and takes some time to rest. Even as he recovers, plans are going ahead for an autumn of travel, including confirmation Monday from the Scottish church that Francis hopes to make a quick trip to Glasgow to attend the COP26 climate conference in November.

In a statement, a spokesman for the Scottish Bishops Conference said bishops had written to Francis to assure him of a warm welcome in Scotland and were “delighted to hear that he does hope to attend and would be glad to meet with them in Glasgow.”

The climate conference is due to take place Oct. 31-Nov. 12, but Francis is only expected to go “for a very short time,” the bishops said, explaining that his visit consequent­ly wouldn’t include a full program of pastoral gatherings that are normally part of a foreign papal trip.

The Vatican hasn’t confirmed Francis’ participat­ion in the Glasgow gathering, though Francis has made environmen­tal concerns a cornerston­e of his papacy.

The Holy See has confirmed he plans to visit Hungary and Slovakia in September, the only other confirmed trip on his agenda so far this year.

 ?? VATICAN MEDIA/AP ?? Pope Francis appears Sunday at a balcony of the Agostino Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome to deliver his traditiona­l Sunday blessing.
VATICAN MEDIA/AP Pope Francis appears Sunday at a balcony of the Agostino Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome to deliver his traditiona­l Sunday blessing.

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