The Commercial Appeal

Abortion rights on spot in Mississipp­i case

Ban offers chance to see whether conservati­ves will keep chipping away at Roe v. Wade or go further

- John Fritze

WASHINGTON – When the Supreme Court agreed in May to hear a challenge to Mississipp­i’s ban on most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, many saw it as a decisive move in the decadeslon­g effort to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Though that remains one possible outcome, the high court’s six-justice conservati­ve majority does not always operate in lockstep. A look at some of their past opinions and statements on abortion offers a more nuanced view.

The court could hear the Mississipp­i case as early as November.

“I don’t know if there’s a path to uphold the Mississipp­i law without reconfiguring abortion rights at least a little bit,” said Neal Devins, a law professor at William & Mary Law School. But “I see no prospect for Roe being overturned.”

Mississipp­i approved its prohibitio­n on most abortions after 15 weeks in 2018 and is one of 16 states with pre-viability bans that have been blocked by federal courts, according to the Guttmacher Institute, a research group that supports abortion rights. The law has no exception for rape or incest but allows abortions when there is a medical emergency or “severe fetal abnormalit­y.”

Roe concluded that women have a right to an abortion during the first and second trimesters but that states could impose restrictio­ns in the second trimester. Two decades later, the court upheld that right but overturned the trimester framework and allowed states to ban most abortions at the point of viability, when a fetus can survive outside the womb – roughly 24 weeks. Pre-viability bans in conservati­ve states are intended to challenge the court’s precedent in those two cases.

The question for the nation’s highest court in the Mississipp­i case, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organizati­on, is where states may draw the line on prohibitin­g abortions. The answer will turn on how the conservati­ve majority balances precedent against the long struggle to weaken Roe.

Roberts’ minimalism

In the court’s most recent major abortion decision, a plurality led by Associate Justice Stephen Breyer struck down a Louisiana law last year requiring abortion providers to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals. Chief Justice John Roberts gave Breyer and the court’s other liberals the fifth vote needed to reach that outcome.

Instead of signing onto Breyer’s opinion in June Medical Services v. Russo with the three other liberal justices, Roberts wrote a concurrenc­e in which he concluded that a 2016 precedent forced his hand. The court, Roberts wrote, must “treat like cases alike” and the Louisiana law was nearly identical to one from Texas the court invalidate­d years before.

By declining to sign the plurality opinion, Roberts gave conservati­ves a chance to pursue other anti-abortion laws, even though he had sided with Breyer and the liberals.

Roberts built similar coalitions this year between conservati­ves and liberals with narrow opinions that moved the court in a conservati­ve direction more slowly than some had predicted. Assuming Roberts lands in the majority in Dobbs, experts said, he could attempt to repeat that high-wire act by crafting an opinion that undercuts Roe without directly overturnin­g it.

“I think what he would like to see from the court on an abortion case ahead of the midterm elections is something more narrow, something that does not explicitly overrule Roe, but something that perhaps eliminates viability as a salient concept in the court’s abortion jurisprude­nce,” said New York University law professor Melissa Murray.

Kavanaugh in the middle

When Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh made the short list in 2018 to replace retiring Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy, some conservati­ves questioned his commitment to the antiaborti­on cause. They pointed to one of his only opinions on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit that dealt with the issue: the case of a 17-year-old immigrant in federal custody who sought the procedure.

When the appeals court in 2017 permitted the teen to end her pregnancy, Kavanaugh wrote a limited dissent defending the idea of having the teen first meet with an American adult sponsor, similar to a foster parent.

During his confirmation hearing, Kavanaugh called the court’s decision in Roe “precedent on precedent” and described the constituti­onal right to abortion as something “reaffirmed many times over 45 years.” Since then, Kavanaugh has emerged as the median justice, landing in the high court’s majority in 97% of all cases during the 2020-21 term, according to statistics compiled by SCOTUSBLOG.

Mary Ziegler, a Florida State University law professor, said abortion rights advocates will try to appeal to Kavanaugh’s fealty to precedent. Abortion opponents will try to convince him to do what “you sort of assume he wants to do” while not pushing him too far.

“A lot of the same kinds of arguments about precedent and backlash that progressiv­es have aimed toward Roberts will also be aimed at Kavanaugh,” said Ziegler, author of “Abortion and the Law in America” and other books on the issue. “He shares Roberts’ concerns but also seems to think he can write more conservati­ve opinions and finesse those concerns.”

Barrett’s first full term

Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett has made her personal views on abortion clear. Years before she was confirmed to the Chicago-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, while still a Notre Dame law professor, Barrett signed a two-page advertisem­ent in the South Bend Tribune describing Roe’s legacy as “barbaric.”

During her Supreme Court confirmation hearing, Barrett said she didn’t “have any agenda” to overturn Roe and said she would follow precedent. Pressed about the ad during her hearing, Barrett said she hadn’t remembered it until it surfaced in a newspaper story.

None of that means Barrett would vote to overturn Roe. Some court observers have questioned whether she would make that decision so early. Barrett, who was confirmed in late October, will embark on her first full term on the court this fall.

“I would be stunned if she would want to go all the way to overrule Roe so early in her tenure on the court and let it define her,” said Devins at William & Mary.

Barrett’s best-known abortion case on the 7th Circuit came in 2018 in the form of a challenge to an Indiana law requiring fetal remains to be buried or cremated. After a three-judge panel invalidate­d the law, the full appeals court rejected the state’s request for reconsider­ation. Barrett dissented from that decision.

When Indiana appealed to the Supreme Court, a 7-2 majority upheld the state’s law.

Gorsuch’s textualism

Though he spent more than a decade as an appeals court judge in Colorado, Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch didn’t directly confront constituti­onal questions about abortion. He did rule in cases touching on the issue, including over “Choose Life” license plates.

Gorsuch sided with abortion rights advocates in 2007 on whether a lower federal court had jurisdicti­on to decide if Oklahoma could deny funding collected from the specialty plates to an organizati­on involved in “abortion related” activities, such as counseling. Gorsuch ruled the lower court could hear the case on the merits.

Steven Aden, chief legal officer at Americans United for Life, declined to predict how Gorsuch might approach Dobbs. Aden, whose group has fought for abortion restrictio­ns for nearly five decades, noted Gorsuch has embraced his reputation as a textualist, the notion that jurists decide cases based primarily on the text of the law.

That, Aden argued, ought to augur well for the anti-abortion cause.

“Any judge who is a fan of an original, textual reading of the constituti­onal text – who’s loyal to the intention of those who wrote it – is a friend of the right to life,” Aden said. “He’s also been one of the strongest federal judges on religious liberty, going back to the 10th Circuit.”

Conservati­ve stalwarts

Associate Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, the court’s most reliable conservati­ve votes, are the most likely to take on Roe directly.

Thomas, the most senior associate justice, wrote last year of the court’s “illfounded abortion jurisprude­nce” in his dissent in June Medical. He described those decisions as “grievously wrong” and said they “should be overruled.”

Before Alito’s confirmation in 2006, a memo he wrote for the Justice Department in the 1980s surfaced in which he called for overturnin­g Roe. Though Alito has been a consistent vote to support abortion restrictio­ns, he has been more circumspec­t in discussing his broader views on the court’s precedents.

Middle ground for liberals?

Based strictly on the size of their group, the court’s three liberals – Associate Justices Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan – are likely to be in damage control mode when the Mississipp­i case is decided, experts said. But as the term that wrapped up this month demonstrat­ed, that doesn’t mean they are without influence.

The court’s liberals joined with Roberts in a conflict between LGBTQ rights and religious freedom. A unanimous court concluded a Catholic foster care agency could decline on religious grounds to screen same-sex couples as prospectiv­e parents.

A similar lineup is possible in Dobbs: Liberals could join at least two conservati­ves in an opinion that does something less than overturn the court’s precedents.

On the other hand, such compromise may be harder to reach on the divisive issue of abortion.

“What would a compromise look like in this case?” asked Ziegler, the Florida State University law professor. “If the court upholds this law and gets rid of viability or does something else that’s a pretty huge deal but stops short of overturnin­g Roe, I don’t know how happy about that you’re really going to be if you’re Justice Breyer or Justice Kagan.”

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