The Commercial Appeal

Cubans need more than words from the US

- Your Turn Raul Lopez Guest columnist

In the days following spontaneou­s and widespread calls for freedom in the island nation of Cuba, world leaders have taken notice.

Some have looked the other way. Others are dismissing the pro-freedom demonstrat­ions outright. While others still are spinning conspiracy theories that do not hold up to scrutiny. The United States must be different. At a time when democracy is being tested like never before, the United States must stand up boldly in support of freedom, democracy and the right to peacefully assemble and petition the government without fear of intimidati­on or repression. Fortunatel­y, the Biden Administra­tion is saying the right things.

In a July 12 tweet, Julie Chung, the Acting Assistant Secretary for the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs said: “Cuba’s people continue to bravely express yearning for freedom in the face of repression. We call on Cuba’s government to: refrain from violence, listen to their citizen’s demands. Respect protestor and journalist rights. … The Cuban people have waited long enough for Libertad!”

This is a good start, but words are not enough. The Biden Administra­tion must now follow through with bold and decisive action to ensure that the Diazcanel regime is unable to regroup and get a lifeline from the likes of Russia, Iran and Venezuela. U.S Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, the son of Cuban refugees, has outlined a series of practical steps that the Biden Administra­tion can immediatel­y take to ensure that the Cuban regime can be brought down to its knees. Among his recommenda­tions include the need to ensure that the Cuban people have access to the internet so that they can report in-real time what is happening on the island nation. By restrictin­g internet access to its citizens, the Cuban regime can intimidate, harass, jail and physically attack its citizens.

Rosa Maria Paya, a Cuban activist and executive director of the Foundation for Panamerica­n Democracy expressed the urgency of this saying: “Internet access right now could save lives in the middle of the repression.”

And although there are reports that Diaz-canel regime is restoring internet access to its citizens, the Biden administra­tion could consider reaching out to U.S. companies to see if there are additional ways to ensure that the Cuban people can reach the rest of the world.

Beyond helping to maintain the lines of online communicat­ion open for the Cuban people, the Biden administra­tion should suspend trade, tourism travel and commerce to and from Cuba. The reason is simple. Any dollars flowing to the Cuban island will only benefit the Diaz-canal regime and not the Cuban people who are suffering because of failed communist and repressive policies for nearly seven decades.

There are other steps the Biden Administra­tion could take like reaching out to Cuban regime and work out a deal – with the support of the internatio­nal community – that would inject much needed financial and medical assistance to the Cuban people in exchange for an end to the Diaz-canal regime. A provisiona­l government would go into effect and a free and fair election would be scheduled immediatel­y.

Finally, President Joe Biden should consider immediatel­y flying down to South Florida to show his support for the pro-freedom Cuban cause. All across South and Central Florida, Americans are voicing their support for Libertad! President Biden should join hands with these freedom fighters.

The world is watching, and the Biden Administra­tion must rise to the occasion, not just with words, but with bold and decisive action.

Raul Lopez is the executive director of Latinos for Tennessee,, a group committed to promoting faith, family and freedom. Lopez is a native of Cuba and a political refugee.

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