The Commercial Appeal

Texas senator ends 15-hour filibuster

- Paul J. Weber and Acacia Coronado

AUSTIN, Texas – A Texas state senator ended a 15-hour filibuster Thursday in the Democrats’ latest defiance over new voting restrictio­ns, but it only delayed Republican­s who went on to approve the sweeping elections bill just minutes after she wearily left the floor.

The GOP’S sustained efforts to tighten Texas’ election laws, however, remained no closer to Republican Gov. Greg Abbott’s desk than a month ago. Democrats are still refusing to show up in the state House of Representa­tives in a standoff that has now dragged on for 32 days, preventing the Senate bill from going any farther.

Democrat Carol Alvarado began speaking shortly before 6 p.m. Wednesday even though she acknowledg­ed that the filibuster would not block the legislatio­n in the Senate. She was required to remain standing and speaking, was prohibited from taking bathroom breaks and wore running shoes on the Senate floor, just as former Texas legislator Wendy Davis did in 2013 when she filibustered a sweeping anti-abortion bill.

“What’s wrong with drive-thru voting during a pandemic? What’s wrong with 24-hour voting? Why can’t we have expanded voting hours for the people who have to work late? Where is all the so-called fraud?” Alvarado said in the

closing moments of her filibuster. “Where does it end?

She hugged her Democratic colleagues after finally putting down the microphone. Minutes later, the bill passed 18-11 in the Senate, but it is once again stalled since Democrats continue to their holdout at the other end of the Texas Capitol.

Alvarado’s filibuster began hours after officers of the Texas House of Representa­tives delivered civil arrest warrants for more than 50 absent Democrats on Wednesday. Frustrated Republican­s have ratcheted up efforts to end the standoff over the elections bill.

But after sergeants-at-arms finished making the rounds inside the Texas Capitol – dropping off copies of the warrants at Democrats’ offices, and politely asking staff to tell their bosses to please return – there were few signs the stalemate that began when Democrats fled to Washington, D.C., in July in order to grind the statehouse to a halt was any closer to a resolution.

The latest escalation threw the Texas Legislatur­e into uncommon territory with neither side showing any certainty over what comes next.

“I don’t worry about things I can’t control,” said state Rep. Erin Zwiener, one of the Democrats who was served with a warrant and has refused to return to the Capitol. “Nothing about these warrants are a surprise, and they don’t necessaril­y affect my plans.”

Democrats, who acknowledg­e they cannot permanentl­y stop the GOP voting bill from passing because of Republican­s’ dominance in both chambers of the Texas Legislatur­e, responded to the warrants with new shows of defiance. One turned up in a Houston courtroom and secured a court order aimed at preventing him from being forced to return to the Capitol.

The NAACP also stepped in on behalf of the Texas Democrats, urging the Justice Department to investigat­e whether a federal crime was being committed when Republican­s threatened to have them arrested.

 ?? ERIC GAY/AP ?? Texas state Sen. Carol Alvardo’s filibuster was aimed at slowing a sweeping elections bill pushed by Republican­s in the state.
ERIC GAY/AP Texas state Sen. Carol Alvardo’s filibuster was aimed at slowing a sweeping elections bill pushed by Republican­s in the state.

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