The Commercial Appeal

US: Tigray food aid running out

- Cara Anna

NAIROBI, Kenya – The United States is warning that food aid will run out this week for millions of hungry people under a blockade imposed by Ethiopia’s government on the embattled Tigray region.

Samantha Power, the administra­tor of the U.S. Agency for Internatio­nal Developmen­t, said in a statement late Thursday that less than 7% of the needed food aid has been reaching the Tigray region of some 6 million people, and USAID and other aid groups “have depleted their stores of food items warehoused in Tigray” after nine months of war.

“This shortage is not because food is unavailabl­e, but because the Ethiopian government is obstructin­g humanitari­an aid and personnel, including land convoys and air access,” she said. USAID has warned that up to 900,000 people in Tigray face famine conditions in what has been called the world’s worst hunger crisis in a decade. The Associated Press has reported that scores of people have starved to death.

Power’s remarks came shortly after United Nations Secretary-general Antonio Guterres told reporters that humanitari­an conditions in Ethiopia are now “hellish.” Guterres called for an immediate cease-fire, unrestrict­ed aid access, the return of basic services and the creation of conditions for an Ethiopian-led dialogue.

Power’s statement urged the Tigray forces to withdraw immediatel­y from the neighborin­g Amhara and Afar regions, where they say they are trying to pressure Ethiopia’s government to end the fighting.

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