The Commercial Appeal

Oxygen plant in Haiti upended by earthquake

Hospitals depended on supply during pandemic

- Mark Stevenson and Evens Sanon

LES CAYES, Haiti – As if Haiti’s 7.2 magnitude earthquake, a tropical storm and the coronaviru­s pandemic weren’t enough, the temblor damaged the only medical oxygen plant in the southern part of the country.

The building that housed the oxygen concentrat­or machines that the region depended on partially collapsed, and the machines were upended. The Etheuss company is run by a family famous for its vetiver perfume oils plant in the city of Les Cayes, one of the areas hardest hit by Saturday’s earthquake.

“We are trying to get the oxygen production started again. That is our responsibi­lity, because many people depend on it,” said Kurtch Jeune, one of the brothers who runs the plant.

The quake left concrete pillars and roofs at the facility leaning, and cement block rubble battered the tanks, electrical system and the delicate web of copper tubing that fills vital oxygen plants.

“The oxygen generators are upside down,” Jeune said. “We did get a promise of help from the public works department to get the rubble out with excavators.”

Jeune said that apart from two medical oxygen plants in the capital, Port-au-prince, his factory was the only one serving local hospitals. As the COVID-19 pandemic grinds on, Jeune says demand for oxygen has gone up 200% in the last month.

“We have the capacity to supply 40 oxygen cylinders per day,” Jeune said. “We supply several hospitals.”

The powerful earthquake that struck Haiti’s southweste­rn peninsula killed at least 2,189 people and injured 12,268, according to official figures. More than 300 people are estimated to still be missing, said Serge Chery, head of civil defense for the Southern Province, which includes the small port city of Les Cayes.

More than 100,000 homes were damaged or destroyed, leaving about 30,000 families homeless, according to official estimates.

Hospitals, schools, offices and churches also were demolished or badly damaged.

The earthquake was trailed by a tropical storm that brought heavy rain and strong winds at the beginning of the week. Private relief supplies and shipments from the U.S. government and others began flowing more quickly into Haiti on Thursday, but the Caribbean nation’s entrenched poverty, insecurity and lack of basic infrastruc­ture still presented huge challenges to getting food and urgent medical care to all those who need it.

Adding to the problems, a major hospital in the capital of Port-au-prince, where many of the injured were being sent, closed for two days on Thursday to protest the kidnapping of two doctors.

Health care facilities in the Western Hemisphere’s poorest nation were already at a critical point before the earthquake because of the pandemic. The country of 11 million people has reported 20,556 cases and 576 deaths of COVID-19, according to Johns Hopkins University.

 ?? MATIAS DELACROIX/AP ?? Machinery at the Etheuss vetiver oil factory was rendered inoperable by the 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Les Cayes, Haiti.
MATIAS DELACROIX/AP Machinery at the Etheuss vetiver oil factory was rendered inoperable by the 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Les Cayes, Haiti.

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