The Commercial Appeal

School districts take masks into own hands

- Terry Spencer

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. – Millions of students in Florida, Texas and Arizona are now required to wear masks in class as school boards in mostly Democratic areas have defied their Republican governors and made face coverings mandatory.

The three states are all hot spots in the nation’s recent COVID-19 surge, and defiant boards in Miami, Dallas, Houston, Phoenix and other urban areas argue that requiring masks protects students, teachers and staff from contractin­g and spreading the virus as many pediatric hospitals fill.

The districts often cite the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which recommends teachers, staff and students all wear masks regardless of whether they’ve been vaccinated.

“This thing (the virus) is not playing with us,” Marcia Andrews, a member of the Palm Beach County, Florida, school board, said this week as it passed a mask mandate, according to the Palm Beach Post. “I don’t want to see a kid die.”

The governors argue that wearing masks stifles learning, does little to stop the virus’s spread, and that children rarely get seriously ill from the disease. They say mandates violate parents’ rights to determine how best to protect their children.

“Texans, not government, should decide their best health practices, which is why masks will not be mandated by public school districts or government entities,” Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said when he banned local mask mandates.

Florida Gov. Ron Desantis, in a July executive order barring masks, cited a Brown University study that examined schools in New York, Florida and Massachuse­tts. He said it showed masks at schools made little difference, but it had a caveat he doesn’t cite: It analyzed cases associated with schools and not cases spread in schools.

One of the study’s authors, Brown economist Emily Oster, said that she was not consulted by the governor and the study relied on data from before the emergence of the more contagious delta variant. She supports masks in schools.

Dr. Jessica Snowden, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at Arkansas Children’s Hospital, said masks are proven to cut the virus’s spread among children if worn consistent­ly. She said the delta variant infects children more often and makes them sicker than last year’s variants, adding that masks do not impede learning.

“There is lots of evidence that supports masking and there is no evidence that it causes any harm,” she said. “Children are much more adaptable than adults are.”

Florida and Texas combined make up 15% of the U.S. population but 28% of its recent COVID-19 cases, according to the CDC, and both states have seen their hospitaliz­ation numbers skyrocket over the past two months. Arizona’s COVID-19 cases have jumped sixfold.

Mask rules in U.S. public schools vary widely. Eleven states require masks, including California, Illinois, Louisiana and Kentucky, while Florida, Texas and five other states prohibit mandates: Utah, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Iowa and South Carolina. Arizona’s ban takes effect Sept. 29. The other states leave the decision to local officials.

In Arizona, Gov. Doug Ducey this week barred districts that mandate masks from accessing a $163 million virus relief pool and said parents could receive $7,000 per student for private schools if their district mandates masks or goes into quarantine. More than two dozen districts, accounting for a third of the state’s 930,000 public school students, require masks.

“Safety recommenda­tions are welcomed and encouraged – mandates that place more stress on students and families aren’t,” Ducey said in a statement.

Save Our Schools, an Arizona group that successful­ly repealed a statewide voucher program, said Ducey is trying to use COVID-19 to restore public funding of private schools.

“We are ready to fight the abhorrent policies,” the group said in a statement.

In Texas, the state’s biggest districts, including Dallas, Houston, San Antonio and Austin, are all defying Abbott and requiring masks. Abbott, who recently tested positive for the virus, is fighting the districts in court, but they aren’t budging. The Texas Supreme Court ruled Thursday that the districts can require masks until the legal battle is decided.

In Florida, where the battle is particular­ly heated, Desantis and the state Board of Education, which he appoints, have threatened to cut funds from districts that impose mandates that don’t provide an easy opt out for parents. The state is also allowing students who feel bullied into wearing a mask to apply for a private school voucher.

“Forcing young kids to wear masks all day, these kindergart­ners, having the government to force them, that’s not defying me; that is defying the State of Florida’s laws,” Desantis said.

But four of Florida’s five largest school districts – Miami-dade, Broward, Hillsborou­gh and Palm Beach counties – along with mid-size Alachua, the home of the University of Florida, have adopted mask mandates with exemptions only with a doctor’s approval.

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