The Commercial Appeal

Local judges decide fate of many renters facing eviction

- Kristian Hernández and Cristian Arguetasot­o

ARLINGTON, Texas – When Tiara Alexander, 32, dropped off her two children at school the morning of Aug. 10, she did not know if they were going to have a place to come home to.

Alexander lost her job as a housekeepi­ng manager in June after her 6year-old daughter’s caretaker contracted COVID-19. When she told her employer, a hotel in downtown Fort Worth, that she had to stay home to care for her daughter, her boss told her she would have to quit.

“I didn’t know what to do, I don’t have any family or friends here to care for my daughter and I couldn’t just drop her off at a day care because she’d been exposed,” said Alexander.

The single mother had moved to Texas in March from Indianapol­is with her daughter and 12-year-old son. After losing her job, Alexander fell behind on bills and was not able to pay her rent this past month. Her landlord filed for eviction, and on Aug. 3 a judge gave Alexander seven days to move out of her apartment or risk having her belongings thrown to the curb.

“We came here looking for a fresh start,” Alexander said. “I never imagined that in a few months we’d be on the brink of losing our home and living on the streets.”

Alexander’s fate might have been different if she had moved to a different Texas county or another part of the city. In Tarrant County, which includes Arlington, most courts have stopped enforcing the eviction moratorium put in place by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last September. It expired July 31, but earlier this month President Joe Biden issued an executive order extending it for 60 days in counties where COVID-19 is spreading rapidly. Tarrant County and 90% of the country are covered.

An emergency order that the Texas Supreme Court issued last year instructin­g judges how to follow the original CDC moratorium expired on March 31. Since then, Texas judges have said they are no longer able enforce the CDC order, nor are they required to inform tenants that it exists.

“I’m only here calling the balls and strikes,” said Justice of the Peace Mary Tom Curnutt, during Alexander’s eviction hearing. “If you don’t like the law, bring it up with your [state] representa­tive and make sure one of those guys changes it up there.”

Meanwhile, in Travis County, which includes Austin, judges are still using the CDC moratorium to delay evictions, giving tenants more time to access the $46 billion in national emergency rental relief allocated by Congress. The city of Austin also has its own eviction moratorium, which runs through Oct. 15.

These discrepanc­ies in renter protection­s also are prevalent in other states because it’s largely up to local judges to interpret how to apply local, state and federal eviction bans, according to Emily Benfer, a visiting law professor at Wake Forest University and chair of the American Bar Associatio­n’s COVID-19 Task Force on Eviction.

“Your level of protection varies depending on your ZIP code,” Benfer said. “But despite its faultiness, the moratorium has been effective at reducing evictions across the country, and that’s what makes it a critical public health protection strategy in the face of the pandemic, especially in the developmen­t of the delta variant.”

If Alexander lived just 2.5 miles south, on the other side of Texas State Highway 360, her case would have been heard by a different judge – one more likely to rule in her favor. “I reset [cases] just to give the tenants time to get assistance,” said Kenneth Sanders, the justice of the peace, or eviction judge, for Precinct 7.

But even Sanders said it’s not an easy call when there are tenants who have not paid rent since last year. He said some renters are under the impression that because of the pandemic and the moratorium, they don’t have to pay rent.

“In light of the pandemic and situation, no one should be evicted at all, but I understand the side of the landlord. Oftentimes, they need the rental money to pay the mortgage or pay property taxes,” he said. “We have had tenants who’ve taken advantage of the situation.”

Conflicting court rulings have contribute­d to similar inconsiste­ncies across the nation.

On June 29, in a case brought by the Alabama Associatio­n of Realtors, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that the CDC moratorium could stay in place until July 31, its expiration date. But Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who cast the fifth and deciding vote, wrote in a concurring opinion that Congress would have to pass legislatio­n to extend the moratorium past that date. The Biden administra­tion signaled that it agreed the moratorium was on shaky legal ground.

On July 23, the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, which has jurisdicti­on over Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee, ruled that the CDC exceeded its authority when it issued the eviction moratorium last year.

Then, shortly after Biden issued his executive order, the Alabama and Georgia chapters of the National Associatio­n of Realtors filed a motion in federal court to vacate Biden’s executive order, which he issued after intense pressure from congressio­nal Democrats. Around the same time, officials in Franklin County, Ohio, the state’s most populous county, said they would defy the CDC’S latest moratorium and continue eviction proceeding­s.

“About half of all housing providers are mom-and-pop operators, and without rental income, they cannot pay their own bills or maintain their properties,” wrote National Associatio­n of Realtors President Charlie Oppler in a news release. “No housing provider wants to evict a tenant and considers it only as a last resort.”

As of the first week of July, some 6.3 million tenants nationwide owed more than $21 billion in rent, according to the National Equity Atlas, a data and policy tool maintained by the University of Southern California Equity Research Institute and the research firm Policylink. In Tarrant County, some 30,000 tenants owed more than $97 million in back rent as of July, according to the National Equity Atlas.

A judge’s choice

Stuart Campbell is a former Legal Aid of Northwest Texas attorney who has represente­d dozens of tenants at eviction courts across Tarrant County. Campbell said there are many variables that drive eviction filings, including how many apartment complexes are in each precinct and how many are owned by large investors.

But, he said, a major factor is simply how judges have applied the CDC moratorium in their courtrooms. Campbell says judges known to honor the CDC moratorium have fewer eviction filings, because landlords think it would be a waste of time.

Tarrant County has one of the highest eviction rates in Texas, according to January Advisors, a Houston-based data consulting firm.

Campbell said judges in Precincts 5, 7 and 8 have delayed evictions when tenants could prove that they had signed and delivered a CDC moratorium declaratio­n to their landlords. The declaratio­ns detail how renters were affected by COVID-19 and explain why they can’t pay rent.

In the five other precincts, however, the judges typically told tenants the CDC moratorium was not applicable in Texas, Campbell said. In June, Campbell left Legal Aid to work at the Dallas Eviction Advocacy Center.

“It’s really up to the judge to determine what level of protection tenants have,” Campbell said.

Nick Chu, justice of the peace for Precinct 5 in Travis County, said “in a perfect world,” judges should pause eviction proceeding­s if a tenant files a CDC declaratio­n.

But in April, the Texas Justice Court Training Center at Texas State University, which provides guidance to the state’s constables and justices of the peace, advised judges to allow evictions to proceed regardless of the CDC order.

Chu, who chairs the Texas Supreme Court’s working group on justice courts and COVID-19 response, said the center’s guidance is not obligatory. In Travis County, landlords have filed 1,450 eviction lawsuits since March 15, 2020. In June, filings were down 87% from the 2018-2019 average, according to Eviction Lab, a Princeton University research project.

“Even if the training center says you have to do ‘X,’ a judge does not have to do that,” said Chu. “Truly each judge has to look at the law and then also the arguments on both sides and apply those arguments.”

On the morning of Aug. 10, Alexander was at her apartment waiting by the phone, unsure of what she would do if she was forced out of her home.

“I’ll just figure it out as it happens,” she said. “I’ll try to find a storage unit where we can leave all our things and find a place to stay.”

A few minutes before 11 a.m., she got a call from the Arlington Housing Authority. She’d been approved for her back rent and three months of future rent.

“I feel so relieved,” she said shortly after taking the call. “I just hope my landlord wants to take the money and lets us stay.”

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