The Commercial Appeal

Coaches invite distractio­n by staying quiet on vaccine

- Blake Toppmeyer

I'm not going to use this space to advocate for the COVID-19 vaccine, because I'm not going to pretend that you'll take medical advice from a sports columnist.

Regardless of what you think about the COVID-19 vaccine or vaccine mandates, it's undeniable that Auburn coach Bryan Harsin and Mississipp­i State coach Mike Leach are inviting a wholly unnecessar­y distractio­n for their football programs by continuing to keep their vaccinatio­n status private amid their respective employer's vaccine mandate.

Harsin and Leach, dating to SEC Media Days in July, have declined to address whether they've taken the COVID-19 vaccine.

Before the season, I thought prominent leaders at publicly funded institutio­ns – like Harsin and Leach – should value transparen­cy over privacy and disclose whether they are vaccinated. Most SEC football coaches have done so.

Now, though, Harsin and Leach's vaccinatio­n status will determine whether they get to keep their jobs, assuming Auburn and Mississipp­i State follow through with university policies announced in recent days.

The schools are requiring employees to provide proof of vaccinatio­n by Dec. 8, except in limited circumstan­ces that legally entitle an employee to a medical or religious exemption.

Auburn and Mississipp­i State are federal contractor­s, and the schools say their policies are a move to comply with federal requiremen­ts regarding COVID-19 vaccines.

Harsin and Leach make a living in a profession that expects players to follow coaches' guidance and rules. Meanwhile, they refuse to say whether they are in compliance or plan to comply with their employer's rules.

Asked during his Monday news conference whether he's been vaccinated, Harsin once again refused to say.

"From the beginning, I think I've made it clear that that wasn't something that I was going to talk about or discuss," said Harsin, who tested positive for COVID-19 in August, along with others within Auburn's football program.

Leach, too, was asked Monday for comment about the new policy. A coach who openly pontificates about pirates, candy corn and social media usage took a pass on this topic.

“The whole COVID vaccine thing bounces all over the place,” Leach said. “That would be like commenting on each hit in a tennis match. I don't have any comment.”

Auburn maintains about $200 million in federal contracts, according to the university's news release announcing its policy. Mississipp­i Public Universiti­es are working under federal contracts valued at $271 million, according to the Mississipp­i Institutio­ns of Higher Learning.

Harsin and Leach are worth less than that.

We've already seen one Power Five football coach, Washington State's Nick Rolovich, get fired after he declined to comply with a state mandate requiring university employees to be vaccinated by Oct. 18.

If I were an Auburn or Mississipp­i State player, I'd like to know whether my coach is vaccinated or otherwise plans to comply with the university policy, or whether he intends to risk getting fired. Recruits probably would like to know, too. And recruits' parents, and fellow staff members, and donors.

Perhaps Harsin and Leach have revealed their vaccinatio­n status to all these individual­s, but I've found that it's hard to keep something a secret after you disclose it to hundreds of people.

Normally, coaches do anything possible to eliminate distractio­ns. Harsin and Leach are swimming against the current.

Coaches preach sacrifice and a teamfirst mentality, but nothing about this charade is productive for the team. Their silence equates to selfishness. These coaches are valuing secrecy over promoting a distractio­n-free environmen­t.

If they've taken the jab, they could end this song and dance by saying so. If they are unvaccinat­ed, they could disclose whether they plan to comply with their employer's policy by the deadline.

Come December, attention should be on recruiting and bowl game preparatio­n, but you can bet that some of the spotlight for Auburn and Mississipp­i State will be diverted toward whether Harsin and Leach are vaccinated or otherwise will risk their job.

Rolovich's vaccinatio­n status spiraled into a never-ending drama around Washington State's program until he was fired.

Harsin and Leach have the power to end this distractio­n. Instead, they're embracing it.

Blake Toppmeyer is an SEC Columnist for the USA TODAY Network. Email him at and follow him on Twitter @btoppmeyer.

 ?? USA TODAY NETWORK IMAGES ?? Auburn coach Bryan Harsin, left, and Mississipp­i State coach Mike Leach
USA TODAY NETWORK IMAGES Auburn coach Bryan Harsin, left, and Mississipp­i State coach Mike Leach
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